My body is where home is.

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I saw a quote that said 'all the places I run to have no room for me',
But I am glad I am my own home.
My body is home.
This is my refuge.
This is where I always am.
This is where I come back to when every other place kicks me out.
There I never stay long.
I am always a passerby, but here I will be until my last breath.

She houses me with all my complexities.
She does not look at me and wonder 'what is wrong with you?'
She carries me with grace.
I have been unkind to her thinking I need to be more or less, but I have found that I am enough.
I have been unjust to her but she has forgiven me.
I have wanted to run away from her but she has been a constant home.
With open arms she has welcomed me back.
I have wanted her to be something else but she has taken her time for she knows the right timing.
She has shown me patience.
I have learned to appreciate her.
I have learned to handle her with care.
She has systems in place to keep me here, and in her I have found comfort and peace.
She does not chase me away when I say or do wrong.
She does not laugh at my flaws.
She uses them to show me that I am perfect.
She does not hold my mistakes against me. She uses them as lessons.
I have carried heartache but she has summarized it into tears.
I have carried exhaustion but she has summarized it into sleep.
She goes through cycles of birth, death, and rebirth.
Parts have been broken but she has healed.
She has taught me strength.
She has taught me resilience.

This is home, and she holds enough room for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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