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Everyone she saw had a balloon above their head.
It was either full,empty,in all depended on the person.
Some just had the string that once held the balloon,
those were the goners,and of late she had been seeing so many of them.
She could see everyone's balloon,except hers.
She always wondered why but she was glad she didn't because she had an idea of how it would be.

The worst part about it was seeing someone's balloon slowly lose air or burst.
Like that kid whose parents did not attend his graduation.
She just stood there and watched a part of him die.
He was so excited and his balloon was full,
but when they did not show,his smile turned into a frown and his balloon lost air
and shriveled like a flower on its death bed.
A part of him died and all that was left was the string hanging loosely above his head which was hang low.

The best thing was seeing someone's balloon fill up with air after being empty for so long.
Like that kid who finally graduated from college,got a job and could now support his family.
He had struggled for so long and his balloon had run out of air,but now all his struggle was paying off.
She saw him smile and knew he was finally coming alive.

One day she woke and everyone's balloon was full.
She looked in the mirror and finally saw it.
Hers was not one,she had so many and they all burst,leaving strings begging for something to hold on to.
And just as she had thought,she was a goner.

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