Stale Hope.

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The hope I had now lies stale on the shelf together with the steak I bought last month.
I was so happy when I bought it;ready to try out the new recipe I'd seen on tv.
I was so happy when hope struck in the middle of the night after watching motivational videos on tv.
But now,all is stale.
The constant buzzing of the flies is what reminds me of the steak.
The constant nagging thoughts are what remind me of the hope.
My hope is lying on the shelf,stinking,dormant,broken and I have no strength to work on it.
Do I need some more hope maybe?
Let's see what's on tv tonight and maybe by morning I'll be hopeful - filled with the desire to carry on.
And maybe,just maybe I'll take the stale steak and hope lying on the shelf out.

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