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He was 'the boy in the hoodie'.
That's what they all called him.
They thought he just liked them,
Well he did,but not because they were the 'in thing' with teenagers,
He wore them to hide that face that had been called ugly more times than he could count,
He wore them to hide the slap marks,
He wore them to hide the black eye,
He wore them to hide the hair that only had a few strands remaining,
He wore them to hide the cuts on his wrists,
He wore them to hide the burns on his chest,
He wore them to hide the scratches on his neck,
Years of abuse by everyone had led to the hiding game.
The game he played so well that everyone was fooled.
He only put on black hoodies for in him all there was,was darkness.
The boy in the hoodie he was and the boy in the hoodie he was likely to remain forever.

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