You Went Away With Me.

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You knew my favourite song and I no longer listen to it for you went away with it.
It was my favourite because it reminded me of you and there's no more you to be reminded of.

You went away with my happiness.
There's nothing more to be happy of because you were my happiness.

You went away with my life and there's no more living to be done because you were all I lived for.

You went away with my heart and there's no more heartbeat for my heart only beat for you.

You went away with my love and there's no more loving for all I loved was you.

You went away with me and all that is left is a void of gloom,grief and sorrow.
You can keep everything else but please return me.
I need her to survive and find my footing again for off my feet you knocked me off,and all I do is crawl around.
You don't need me for you are with another,so can I have me back?

From Thoughts To WordsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin