Cyber Fight

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"Okay, here's the plan. We're going to spread out around the main centre of the city to try and lure out Tetsuka. She'll be bound to find one of us and when she does I want you to relay a signal but not with your comms. What I want you to do when you see her, is say the word 'Ping'. That will activate a marker on our HUD for us to zero in on to assist. For now, find places you'll be most comfortable fighting in. Its best to have the home field advantage even with our new cybernetic enhancements. Is everyone ready? Good. Let's motor." K explained in the briefing.

I remember him saying those words and I took them literally as I set myself up on a high building. Using my Hecate two and it's sturdy bipod as I laid prone, I scanned around closely but all seemed quiet in the games late evening. It was hard to refrain from trying to communicate with the others but I knew it had to be done. The longer I waited, the more worried I became and I instinctively looked behind me just in case but saw no one as I let out a sigh of relief. Ringing loudly in that moment was the sound of the ping going off and showing up on my screen. I followed and found it dead ahead of me where one of us was positioned.

"Urgh, that's Kirito." I growled and took aim as I analyzed the area to watch for him.

When I put him in my scope, I watched him rapidly spin his Photon blade as he began to close the distance. I moved over and had my sights on Tetsuka but Asuna showed up right behind her in hopes to catch her off guard. Instead, Tetsuka spun around, grabbed Asuna and tossed her away to the ground before ultimately pulling a pistol on her. Tetsuka smiled and laughed as she pulled the trigger but Kirito quickly stepped in front, somehow blocking it with his free off hand. When I took a closer look, I saw that particular hand of his was made purely of Blakmetal. Tetsuka fired another shot and Kirito instantly slapped it away with extreme speed. I lined my scope up with her head and as I readied to take the shot, the cybernetic bits on my cheekbones activated to become fully functioning hologram glasses that doubled as a sniper display system. It outlined Tetsuka in red and Kirito in green as Asuna got up behind him.

"Comms active. Take it, Shino." K was connected to my video feed.

"Copy." I immediately pulled the trigger and my Hecate rumbled with a kick.

I followed the trajectory with my scope and enhanced on the bullet closely until I watched Tetsuka lean out of the way last second. In that same moment tho, she stuck out her off hand and balled up a fist in the air. When she opened it back up, she carefully held a bullet with her thumb and index finger. Tetsuka turned to my direction and eventually looked directly at me with red glowing eyes. I had a feeling she was using a type of zoom system so I ducked back and relayed on comms as I went to get off the building.

"She caught my bullet, K. She knows where I am and Kirito's in trouble with Asuna." I warned him on comms.

Technopath, Purple, Sharpshooter: K - Player1

"They'll be fine. We're on our way." I relayed as I drove a unique red motorbike.

Mine had red neon lights on it to contrast the dark roads around me and I rode as quickly as I could.

"What about Klein and Agil?" Sinon asked on comms.

"They're right behind me in a truck. Tetsuka's in for a hell of a surprise." I assured.

"I hope so." She replied.

"Zephyr, what's your position?" I called.

"We're moving in on the opposite side of you. I gotta say, K, this car's a beast." Liz drove my Lexus for me since I could not.

"It's super fast!" Leafa was thrilled in the passenger seat.

"Too fast!" Silica sounded panicked in the back.

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