Aquatic Agreement

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"And here we are, the kingdom of the Undines." I gestured as we began to cross its long bridge.

"Wow! It even has great big motes and everything!" Athena smiled from upon my shoulder.

"That's correct, Athena! Undines are the race best known for water magic, so it's only natural for their kingdom to be surrounded by it." Yui happily explained.

"That's right, Yui. Come on, I'll be happy to help you navigate the city." Asuna lead the way being an Undine herself here in Alfheim.

"Uh Huh, And who exactly are we meeting here?" Liz asked from behind us.

"I desire to meet with the ruler, whoever that may be." I explained.

"And we're here for...?" Liz waited for an answer.

"Well, this ruler should probably also meet my family." I referred to them and everyone smiled back solemnly.

"He's not wrong. You guys are our family too." Sinon stood next to me.

"That's wonderful to hear." Leafa was touched.

"Absolutely. I think it'll all work out for everyone." Kirito nodded.

"No doubt. I can tell you've really thought this through, K. I bet it'll benefit the whole land." Asuna assured.

"I think so too." I nodded and we made our way across the bridge.

Huge white walls of blistering cold and a single tower in the middle that overlooked the city within. A large wooden door greeted us at the end of the bridge and the two guards immediately recognized Asuna.

"Let her through!" One yelled and the doors opened graciously for us.

"Thank you, gentlemen." She nodded.

"Of course! You people are heroes!" The other one smiled.

Immediately within were many market streets and some people flying overhead to get to their destinations.

"Come on! It's much easier to fly there!" Asuna encouraged and sprouted her cyan fairy wings.

"It looks amazing here. I've never been to the Undine kingdom." Kirito looked around curiously as he took flight too.

"Let's fly together." Sinon smiled and took my hand with her Cat Sith wings open.

"That's a wonderful idea." I nodded and opened my feathered wing alongside her.

Suddenly, Athena slid down my arm and stood on our hands.

"I wanna do it too!" She demanded.

"Come on then, sweetheart." Sinon encouraged and Athena's eyes lit up.

She softly took flight and moved back, becoming her full size with her angelic white feathered wings. She quickly ran up and split our hands, taking her place between us.

"Hurry up you guys!" Leafa, Liz and Silica followed Kirito.

"Let's go!" Athena took flight first and we had to speed up to stay with her.

We flew and I was able to see housing near the walls edges where children with family's thrived. Pleasant water fountains and parks for the kids to play on. It was a wholesome community as we spiralled up to the centre tower. We hovered above a large landing pad and disengaged our flight as we approached the royal doors that Asuna just casually opened. As we entered I saw a man with brown hair sitting graciously upon a throne, but even more shocking than that, there were actually two thrones. Beside him, his queen, fair and gracious the same, her hair more of a bright ocean blue. None had crowns but I got the feeling they were too humble to wear them. I could see amongst everyone they kept within their royal room was wanting to be there, perhaps insistent even.

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