Chapter Twenty Two - The Path Of A Hero

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After the Villain attack on the Quirk Training Camp, Morbius and Class 1-A made their way to the infirmary where Midoriya was recovering from his injuries. They were promptly told by Aizawa to not go after Bakugo and leave it to the Pros. As Aizawa said that he left. Midoriya made a decision. 

Midoriya: We're going after Kacchan. 

Tsuyu: But you heard what Mr. Aizawa said....

Midoriya: It was my fault that the Villains were able to take Kacchan in the first place! If I had just been faster, I would've been able to save him!

Kirishima: Midoriya's right! We have to rescue Bakugo! He's our classmate and he needs our help!

Todoroki: I agree. We can't allow Bakugo to remain in the hands of the Villains.

At that point, the class were divided on what to do. Most felt that the best course of action was to listen to Aizawa's instructions and let the Pros handle this. However, Morbius was conflicted by this. While he was obligated to listen to his teacher, he also reflected on Bakugo's capture as well as his own perceived failures to protect Yaoyorozu during the attack. Iida was quick to point out the incident with the Hero Killer Stain. It wasn't long before Morbius spoke. 

Morbius: I understand where you're coming from, Midoriya. Like you, I felt I could've done better during the attack. Because of my failures, Momo was injured. 

Yaoyorozu: It wasn't your fault, Michael. You did everything you could. 

Morbius: But it wasn't enough. Had it not been for Awase, something far worse could've happened to you. If anything had happened to you, I would never forgive myself. 

Yaoyorozu was stunned into silence by Morbius's words. She was shocked to hear that Morbius blamed himself for what happened to her. Soon enough, other students stepped in. 

Tsuyu: You heard what Mr. Aizawa said. We should let the Pros handle this.

Iida: Asui is right! As your Class Representative, I cannot allow you to go through with this!

Morbius: I respect your opinions, Iida. I understand that what happened with the Hero Killer brought you to this conclusion. But I ask that you respect mine. I understand that my decision borders on vigilantism, but I cannot allow anyone I consider a comrade to remain in Villain hands when I can easily stop it. If I stand by and do nothing, then I cannot on good conscience call myself a Hero. If I don't do this, I may as well be the monster people say I am. 

Morbius's words struck a chord within everyone. It was clear that what happened to Yaoyorozu deeply affected Morbius. 

Morbius: Midoriya, I will be by your side if you would allow me.

Midoriya: Thank you, Michael. Your help is most welcome. 

With that, Morbius had joined Midoriya along with Todoroki and Kirishima to rescue Bakugo from the League of Villains. As they prepared to follow Yaoyorozu's tracker, they were approached by Iida and Yaoyorozu. 

Midoriya: Tenya? Yaoyorozu? What are you doing here?

Yaoyorozu: We're coming with you. 

Morbius: Why? I thought you two were against this plan?

Iida: There's nothing we can say that's gonna convince you otherwise. But if you're going to go through with this, we're going to make none of you engage in combat. This will strictly be a rescue mission. First sign of combat and we're leaving.

Midoriya: Don't worry Iida. We won't!

Morbius: I will honor your wishes as much as I can. But if any danger comes to Yaoyorozu, I will intervene. 

Iida was hesitant to agree to Morbius's wishes. While he respected Morbius as a fellow classmate, he felt that it would put them in unnecessary danger. Yaoyorozu then stepped in. 

Yaoyorozu: If everything goes according to Midoriya's plan, then there will be no need go to that point, Michael. 

Morbius nodded his head, diffusing any potential conflict between Morbius and Iida. With that, the group boarded a train to for Yokohama City where the tracker led. On the ride there, they discussed a plan.

Midoriya: We'll need disguises. The villains will recognize us otherwise.

Yaoyorozu: There's a clothing shop not too far from the train station. We could find plenty of suitable outfits.

Morbius: That's a good idea. My...distinct looks will make me easy to spot. I'll need to find a convincing disguise if I'm able to successfully hide my identity. 

As the made reached it's destination, they stopped at a costume shop for disguises. Morbius picked out a costume that consisted of a suave aristocratic uniform. Morbius quickly realized that the disguise would be useless if his distinct face could be recognized. No masks or face coverings were being sold. Once they were out of the store, Morbius quickly spotted a vender selling fabrics. He bought a large piece of fabric. 

Yaoyorozu: What are you going to do with that piece of fabric?

Morbius: I'll need some sort of sewing kit. 

Yaoyorozu: I can help with that. 

Yaoyorozu then formed a sewing kit with her Creation Quirk. She then helps sew the piece of fabric into Morbius's uniform to form a hood to conceal his face. 

Kirishima: Nice look bro!

Morbius: This disguise should suffice for the time being.

Now that they had their disguises, the group could continue moving forward with their mission to rescue Bakugo from the League of Villains. Morbius prepared to do whatever he could to not only rescue Bakugo, but also protect Yaoyorozu from any dangers that would come their way. 

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