Chapter Fourteen - Hawks

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Morbius and Tokoyami soon made their way to the Hero Agency of Hawks. They were immediately greeted by the illustrious Pro Hero.

Hawks: Michael Morbius and Fumikage Tokoyami. Welcome to my agency. Glad you both decided to intern with me.

Morbius: It's an honor to be interning with you.

Tokoyami: We look forward to learning from you.

Hawks took an interest to both Morbius and Tokoyami. He saw potential on both of them.

Hawks: The reason I asked you two to intern for my agency is not just because of your performance at the Sports Festival, but also because you handled yourselves well during the villain attack. Not many students can say the same.

Tokoyami: We did what we could given the situation.

Hawks: Why don't you tell me about what happened at the USJ Facility?

Both Morbius and Tokoyami soon recounted the events of the USJ attack by the League of Villains from both of their perspectives. Hawks took note of the information about the League of Villains from both Morbius and Tokoyami.

Hawks: I see. I'm looking forward to seeing what you two can do. Suit up. We're gonna patrol.

With that, Morbius and Tokoyami got into their Hero costumes and met up on the rooftop of the agency with Hawks and some other sidekicks interning with him.

Hawks: All right everyone! Try and keep up!

Hawks soon began flying at superhuman speed. Morbius, Tokoyami and the rest of the sidekicks interning with Hawks were barely able to keep up with him. Morbius was amazed at the speed Hawks was going. 

Morbius: Such speed! I've never seen such speed in my life! Not even Iida was this fast!

Tokoyami: We'll just have to pick up the pace if we're going to help Hawks when trouble occurs!

Morbius then used his Vampire Quirk to augment his speed as to attempt to catch up with Hawks. As both Morbius and Tokoyami tried to keep up with Hawks, they noticed that the sidekicks was splitting from the group. 

Morbius: Why are they breaking off?

Tokoyami looked below to see the sidekicks escorting civilians to safety.

Tokoyami: They're assisting the civilians. 

Eventually, Morbius and Tokoyami finally catch up to Hawks, but he had already taken care of the threat which consisted of a group of Villains wanting to cause some chaos. 

Hawks: Oh there you two are. Guess I went a little overboard huh?

What happened on the first day continued for the rest of the week. Even with Morbius's speed, he was still barely able to keep up with Hawks's speed. Hawks simply proved to be too fast for either Morbius and Tokoyami. On the last day, Morbius and Tokoyami met up with Hawks in his office. 

Hawks: You two did well. 

Tokoyami: I must ask, why did you chose us? It's clear you didn't need our help. 

Hawks: Well Tokoyami, it was because of the fact that you and I are both birds. As for Morbius, his Quirk as well as his performance in the Sports Festival was impressive. But that's only 20% for my decision. 50% was because of your encounter the League of Villains. Plus out of everyone in Class 1-A, you two were most likely to keep up with me. Especially you Morbius. Your speed was impressive. 

Morbius was somewhat confused at Hawks's methods during the course of their internships. It was clear that Hawks didn't need their help in the slightest. As Morbius took a moment to reflect on Hawks's reasoning, there was something Morbius was still confused about.

Morbius: You said that 20% of your decision was because of you and Tokoyami's shared bird like appearance as well as my performance at the Sports Festival. 50% was because of our encounter with the League of Villains. What about the other 30%?

Upon hearing this, Hawks smirks and lets out a chuckle. 

Hawks: You're an inquisitive one, are you Morbius? The other 30% of my decision to take you two on as my interns is a combination of your impressive speeds and ingenuity. You two have potential. Remember that. 

With that, the internships were over. As both Morbius and Tokoyami exited Hawks's Hero Agency, Tokoyami voiced his frustrations to Morbius.

Tokoyami: We practically wasted our times! We learned nothing from this! All we did was keep up with Hawks and filled him in on what happened at USJ!

Morbius: What I don't understand is why he chose us when there were others who could've given him more information. Even with his reasons, there were other students who saw more action. He could've even asked Mr. Aizawa or Thirteen. Maybe even All Might. 

Tokoyami: Not to mention that creature that All Might defeated at the USJ. Though I doubt it has any useful information. I just wished our internships were more productive. 

Morbius:  I fully understand, my friend. Let us hope that the others were more productive or at the very least learned something. 

With that, both Morbius and Tokoyami got their first taste into what it's like working as a Pro Hero. While it was less than ideal, both Morbius and Tokoyami would take the experiences they got and apply it to their studies as well as future internships. With that, the internships were over. Now Morbius and Tokoyami along with the rest of Class 1-A would have to gear up for whatever the next challenge had in store for them. Morbius would prepare for whatever challenge came his way. 

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