Chapter Sixteen - Study Time

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After some time, Morbius and Yaoyorozu were just about ready for the study time. As they did, the door bell rang. Yaoyorozu checked the cameras and saw that Mina and Kaminari along with Jiro, Kirishima and Ojiro waiting at the front gate. She then got on the intercom.

Yaoyorozu: Welcome everyone! Please come in!

Yaoyorozu then pressed a button that unlocked and opened the gate. While the students were on their way inside, Yaoyorozu turned to Morbius.

Yaoyorozu: Could you welcome our guests while I get the food?

Morbius: Of course.

Yaoyorozu then kissed Morbius on the cheek as she went to the kitchen to get the food. Morbius patiently waited for the other students to show up. When they did, Morbius greeted them. 

Jiro: Hey Michael. Where's Momo? 

Morbius: She should be here in a bit. 

As the students took their seats, the students began to converse with each other as well as Morbius. 

Ojiro: I feel so out of place it's making me nervous.

Morbius: It took me some time to get used to it when Momo's parents took me in. 


Morbius: Yes. Her parents took me in a few years ago. Before that, I had been living in the streets. 

Jiro: You serious?

Before Morbius could answer, Yaoyorozu comes in wheeling over a serving table of tea and sweets. Yaoyorozu's bouncy aura could be felt by all. Morbius smiled as everyone were practically drooling over the food. 

Yaoyorozu: I'm sorry for the delay! I had to get the food ready!

With that, the students began studying for the Final Exams under Yaoyorozu's guidance. She went over all the subjects that would be covered in the Final Exams. Morbius had already had a good grasp on all the subjects, but he studied anyway. After awhile, they stopped for a break. As they were eating snacks, Kirishima spoke with Morbius.

Kirishima: So you lived on the streets? How did that happen?

As Kirishima asked that, Morbius took a moment to think of an answer. Soon enough, Morbius spoke about his past.

Morbius: My parents died when I was very young. I lived in an orphanage for awhile, but the caretakers there were afraid of me because of my Quirk. 

Mina: They were afraid of your Quirk?

Morbius: Because of my Quirk, I need to...feast on blood to maintain my physical and mental vitality. As a result of this, I was feared as a monster. I left the orphanage so that I may live alone. 

Upon hearing this, the students were shocked to hear that Morbius lived such a tough upbringing. Even Yaoyorozu was stunned as Morbius didn't open up much about his past.

Ojiro: How did you....feed?

Morbius: Mostly on rats and stray animals. Though there were times where I feasted on those who meant me harm. I lived like that for years until I met Momo. 

Jiro: What happened?

Yaoyorozu: I was walking home from private school when I was attacked by a stranger. I fought him, but he cornered me. It wasn't until Morbius came in and attacked the man. He saved my life. When I went to thank him, he ran off thinking I meant him harm. I was able to find him and thank him for saving me. After that, the rest is history. 

Yaoyorozu then grabbed Morbius's hand. Morbius had kept the details of his past a secret as it brought painful memories of isolation. Telling that story to Momo and the other students felt euphoric for Morbius as if a great weight had been lifted off his shoulders. 

Kaminari: Man...that must've been rough. 

Morbius: That life is behind me now. Thanks to the kindness and generosity of Momo and her parents, I now have a place to call home. While I never cared for living in luxury, I am eternally grateful nonetheless. 

At that point, Morbius took a deep breath as he recalled his early years. Despite that life being behind him, the thirst for blood that had dominated that time in his life never left him. While he kept his thirst under control, there were times when the thirst was nearly too much. Afterwards, they continued to study for the Final Exams until it was time for everyone to head home. As everyone said their goodbyes and headed home, Yaoyorozu spoke with Morbius about the earlier conversation. 

Yaoyorozu: Michael, why did you open up about your past? You've never told me about it.

Morbius: I....I don't quite know myself. I just felt it was time to open up. Doing so was...euphoric for me. 

Yaoyorozu: I never knew how bad it was.....why didn't you tell me?

Morbius: It was a long time ago, Momo. Like I said, that life is behind me. I'm only focused on the present. You and your family have done more for me than I could ever ask. I can never thank you enough for all that you've done for me. 

Yaoyorozu then hugged Morbius.

Yaoyorozu: You don't need to thank me, Michael. You're a good person. You deserve nothing but the best. No matter what anyone says, my caring for you will never change. 

Morbius smiled as he embraced Yaoyorozu in a hug. The two embraced each other as they kissed. After that, Morbius and Yaoyorozu went to sleep to ready themselves for the next few days. They would continue to train and study for the Final Exams. Morbius was prepared to face whatever challenges came him way. 

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