Chapter Six - The Night Before The Storm

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Days have passed since the announcement of the Sports Festival. Morbius and Yaoyorozu trained themselves to prepare for the Festival. On the night before the Sports Festival, Morbius found himself unable to sleep. He got up from his coffin like bed in Yaoyorozu's room and got lost in thought. He then got up and walked to the roof of the mansion to reflect on the starry night sky. Yaoyorozu slowly woke up and didn't see Morbius in the room. 

Yaoyorozu: Michael? 

Yaoyorozu got up wearing her night gown and looked for Morbius. She immediately made her way to the roof. When she made it to the roof, she saw Morbius sitting on the edge of the roof while looking at the sky. It didn't take long for Morbius to feel her presence. 

Morbius: You should be sleeping. 

Yaoyorozu: The same could be said for you. 

Morbius: I couldn't sleep. I needed some fresh air to clear my head. I'm sorry if I woke you.

Yaoyorozu: It's quite all right Michael. You have nothing to apologize for.  

Morbius then turned his head to Yaoyorozu. Seeing her in her nightgown made him blush. But seeing her with her hair down and the moonlight seemingly light her up made Morbius smitten with her. Yaoyorozu then walked up to Morbius and sat next to him. 

Yaoyorozu: Michael? Is something wrong?

Morbius: You're....beautiful....

Morbius then placed his hand on Yaoyorozu's face. She blushed brightly as his cold hands made contact with her cold skin. After a moment, Morbius pulled his hand back. 

Morbius: It's almost a crime. To touch something so beautiful with these cold hands. 

Yaoyorozu: Michael.....

Morbius: Ever since we met, you've been nothing but kind to me. Despite my looks and my Quirk, you never once showed fear or resentment to me. I'll never truly understand why, but I am eternally grateful. 

Yaoyorozu had never seen this side of Morbius before. In all the years she's known him, she never saw him open up like this. Yaoyorozu then placed her hand on his shoulder. 

Yaoyorozu: Michael.....I've said this once and I'll say it once more, you are no monster. Neither your Quirk nor your looks make you a monster. You're a good person Michael no matter what anyone says. When you saved me all those years ago, I never once thought of you as a monster. I saw you as someone desperately in need of someone. I....I couldn't just sit by and let you live out your life without knowing some kind of love. 

Morbius was moved by Yaoyorozu's words. He truly believed the words she spoke. Her smile alone left him speechless. Her kindness was something Morbius never experienced. As the two looked to the stars, Yaoyorozu got closer to Morbius and leaned on him. 

Yaoyorozu: What a beautiful night, isn't it Michael?

Morbius: Yes. Truly. Though not as beautiful as you. 

Yaoyorozu was taken aback by that comment. She never expected to hear that from the normally stoic and reserved Morbius. 

Yaoyorozu: M....Michael.....

Morbius: Thank you Momo......I don't know where I would be without you. 

Yaoyorozu then looked into Morbius's red eyes and placed her hand on his face. Despite his cold skin, Yaoyorozu didn't care. Her warm touched sent a sensation in himself. He loved her and she loved him. There was no other way to describe it. 

Morbius: Momo....I.....

Before Morbius could finish his sentence, Yaoyorozu kissed him. At first, Morbius was hesitant, but he eventually relents and fell into the kiss. In that moment, Morbius felt at peace with himself. His inner turmoil was nothing. All Morbius was thinking about was the blissful moment. When the kiss ended, the two looked into each other's eyes. 

Yaoyorozu: My goodness.....we actually kissed....

Morbius: I'm sorry if my cold skin made you feel uncomfortable....

Yaoyorozu: Don't say that Michael. I don't care if you're skin is cold or not. I don't care what you look like or what you're Quirk is. I love you, Michael Morbius. Nothing will ever change that. My heart is yours. 

Morbius was taken aback by her continued kindness and her affection. He never thought someone like Yaoyorozu would love him. 

Morbius: You are too kind Momo. Even with what I am, you continue to show me the love and support I never knew before I met you. If your heart is mine, then my heart is yours Momo Yaoyorozu. 

Morbius and Yaoyorozu then kissed once more. When the kiss ended, Morbius spoke. 

Morbius: We....we should go back inside. We need to rest for the Sports Festival. 

Yaoyorozu: R...right.

Morbius then saw that Yaoyorozu was shivering. At first, he thought it was his cold skin, but it was the cool weather.

Morbius:'re cold...let me help. 

Without warning, Morbius picked up Yaoyorozu and carried her bridal style. When they returned to their room, Morbius place the sleepy Yaoyorozu in the bed.

Morbius: Goodnight Momo.

Yaoyorozu: Goodnight Michael. 

Morbius then kissed Yaoyorozu's forehead as she drifted to sleep. As Morbius got into his coffin bed, he looked at the sleeping Yaoyorozu. His love for her truly blossomed. 

Morbius: (Momo....thank you.)

Morbius then laid on his bed and fell asleep. The relationship between Morbius and Yaoyorozu blossomed into romance. This was the first time Morbius felt genuine love. He would cherish and protect that love no matter what. But for now, Morbius and Yaoyorozu had to prepare themselves for the UA Sports Festival. The Sports Festival would be a challenge for both Yaoyorozu and Morbius, but they would face it head on. 

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