Chapter Twenty Eight - New Ultimate Moves

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As the students of Class 1-A settled into their Dorms, they all prepared themselves for when classes resumed. After having breakfast, Class 1-A made their way to Gym Gamma. When Aizawa entered the building, he spoke to his students.

Aizawa: I believe I mentioned this already, but your main focus this summer is obtaining provisional hero licenses. Do not take this lightly. A hero license means that you're responsible for human lives. You can imagine that the exam to receive one is very difficult. Only 50% of students pass the tests required for these permits each year.

Mineta: It's that hard to get a provisional license?

As Mineta asked this, Midnight along with Ectoplasm and Cementoss entered the room.

Aizawa: In order to prepare, today you'll concentrate on creating something new. Two ultimate moves.

Ectoplasm: When we say 'ultimate', we mean a move that will ensure you win against your opponent.

Cementoss: An action so unique to your identity that no other person can hope to copy it. Simply put, you must learn to lean into your strengths.

Midnight: Your moves represent who you are. These days, most Pro Heroes have an ultimate move. Those who don't are fools.

Aizawa: This may sound abstract, but we'll explain more as the day goes on.

As Class 1-A were given instructions about what they would be doing, everyone was nervous. However, Morbius kept his composure.

Morbius: This should be interesting.

With that, all of Class 1-A began training to create their ultimate moves. Ectoplasm used his Clones Quirk to create sparring opponents for the students to practice their ultimate moves on. As Morbius was sparring against the Ectoplasm Clone, Ectoplasm spoke to Morbius.

Ectoplasm: The biggest advantage your Quirk has is that it's a jack of all trades. Your Quirk can be utilized in both offensive and defensive scenarios. Use those advantages to create your ultimate move.

Morbius then thought to the operation to save Bakugo. He thought of the moves he used to move forward with the rescue attempt. Specifically, he thought of how he used his powers to mesmerize the drunks to leave without incident and the move he used to distract the Villains for everyone else to rescue Bakugo. In that moment, Morbius knew what to do.

Morbius: I understand.

With that, the sparring match between Morbius and the Ectoplasm Clone continued. Morbius started off by attacking the Ectoplasm Clone with fast strikes. As the Ectoplasm Clone moved to attack, Morbius used his enhanced speed to evade his attacks. Soon enough, Morbius assumed a combative stance.

Ectoplasm: Your move, Michael Morbius.

Morbius: Very well.

As Morbius charged at the Ectoplasm Clone, his body transformed into a swarm of bats and began attacking the Ectoplasm Clone. The Ectoplasm Clone was completely unprepared for the relentless attack by the swarms of bats that Morbius had transformed into. Soon enough, all of Class 1-A could see this display and were shocked by it.

Mina: Where did all those bats come from?!

Kaminari: I...I think that's Michael!

The only ones who have seen this were Yaoyorozu, Midoriya, Todoroki, Kirishima and Iida as well as Bakugo. They all saw him do this to distract the Villains long enough for them to rescue Bakugo. As the bats continued to attack the Ectoplasm Clone, Morbius reverted back to his true form and lands a powerful punch on the Ectoplasm Clone, taking him down. After that, Morbius took a moment to catch his breath.

Aizawa: Not bad, Morbius. With a move like that, you could potentially take on multiple opponents.

Morbius: I utilized this move when helping the others rescue Bakugo. Not only does it provide offensive and defensive capabilities, but it also has a psychological effect. After all, many people have a fear of bats.

Just as the training was about to resume, Morbius sets his eyes on the Ectoplasm Clone next to Yaoyorozu. Morbius's eye turned red as the he began mesmerizing the Ectoplasm Clone.

Morbius: Your mind is now under my control.

Morbius then raised his hand towards the Ectoplasm Clone under his control.


After a brief moment of silence, the Ectoplasm Clone began walking towards Morbius without saying a word. When the Clone got close to him, Morbius bit down on the Clone's neck and began sucking his blood. As the Clone deteriorated, Morbius fell to his knees. He gagged and began to throw up, causing Yaoyorozu to run to him.

Yaoyorozu: Michael! Are you okay?!

Morbius: I'll...I'll be fine. Consuming this...blood was repulsive. No offense, Mr. Ectoplasm.

Ectoplasm: None taken, Michael Morbius.

Aizawa: That was a bold move, Morbius. I didn't think you would be keen on biting down someone's neck and sucking their blood.

Morbius: The last few days have given me ample time to work on my restraint. Now I should be able to...drink someone's blood without fear of losing control.

With that, everyone continued to work on their Ultimate Moves. Tired from exerting himself, Morbius decided to sit back and watch. He watched with a smile on his face as Yaoyorozu trained to strengthen her Quirk. Soon enough, the training was done and class was dismissed. As they went back to their Dorms, Yaoyorozu approached Morbius.

Yaoyorozu: Michael. I was wondering if you would like to hang out.

Morbius: I would like that very much, Momo.

With that, Morbius and Yaoyorozu left UA to hang out with one another. The two would take advantage of this day to treasure each other's company.

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