Chapter Twenty Five - Rescuing Bakugo

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As All Might battled against All For One, Morbius and the others found themselves in a difficult position. Bakugo soon began to fight against the League of Villains. It quickly became clear that Bakugo's presence kept All Might from going all out on All For One. 

Morbius: This isn't good. With Bakugo here, All Might won't be able to fight All For One with everything he has. We need to get him out of here now. 

Iida: What can we do? If we go down there, we'll be drawn into a fight with the League of Villains!

Kirishima: Well we have to try something, Iida! Bakugo won't last long on his own! 

Morbius looked around for anything that could help him and the others help Bakugo. As this happens, Midoriya began to formulate a plan. As he surveys the area, he soon found a plan. 

Midoriya: I have a plan!

Iida: You can't, Midoriya!

Midoriya: No, there's a way! A way that won't involve fighting that will let us leave this place, but still save Kacchan! 

Todoroki: Let's hear it. 

With that, Midoriya began to lay out his plan to rescue Bakugo to the rest of the group. Meanwhile, Bakugo continued to fight off the League. He quickly realized that his presence is hindering All Might in his fight against All For One. 

Bakugo: (Damn it! It's hard for All Might to fight because I'm here!)

As Bakugo continues fighting against the League of Villains, Midoriya finishes relaying the plan to the others. 

Iida: That's your plan?

Midoriya: Kacchan should also realize the situation All Might is in.

Morbius: He'll try to keep the Villains at a distance to try and find the quickest way out. 

Midoriya: That's right. Kacchan's on guard against the enemy, fighting from a distance. We need to do this at a time when Kacchan is a certain distance away from the enemy.

Yaoyorozu: Iida?

Iida: It's a gamble, but considering the situation, there isn't much risk to us. More importantly, if we succeed, it'll change the tide of the fight for the better. Let's do it.

As everyone got into position, Morbius along with Yaoyorozu and Todoroki remained at their hiding place while Midoriya, Iida and Kirishima went into position to execute Midoriya's plan. Morbius prepared for his part of the plan. 

Yaoyorozu: Are you sure you want to do this, Michael? 

Morbius: My distraction will allow Midoriya and the others to get Bakugo and escape this place. If Kirishima is the key to rescuing Bakugo, then I am the key to making sure no one gets in the way. Though I must admit, I've never used my Quirk in this way. 

Yaoyorozu felt concern for her boyfriend. All Morbius could do was kiss Yaoyorozu on the cheek to reassure her. He began to scale the wall and made it to the roof. As he reached the roof, Morbius took several deep breaths. 

Morbius: It's time to be a Hero....

Meanwhile, Bakugo kept the League of Villains at bay with his Explosions.

Bakugo: (Goddammit! I need to get out of here so All Might can trash that masked fucker!)

As Bakugo prepared for another attack, a loud inhuman roar was heard. Everyone turned to the rooftop of the Nomu Warehouse where Morbius could be seen. 

Morbius: Gaze your fill, Villains. Morbius the living vampire will be the last sight your miserable eyes behold!

Without hesitation, Morbius jumped off the roof. As he does so, his body transforms into a swarm of bats which swarm the battlefield. 

Toga: Yuck! Where did all these bats come from?! 

Shigaraki: Forget the bats! Grab Bakugo!

Before the League of Villains could move on Bakugo, the League were attacked by the bats. During the confusion, Midoriya along with Iida and Kirishima managed to grab Bakugo and escape from the battlefield. Sensing that Bakugo was safely away, the bats break off the attack and fly away. Back at the hiding place, the swarm of bats make their way to Yaoyorozu and Todoroki. The bats soon transform to Morbius who immediately falls to his knees. 

Yaoyorozu: Michael! Are you okay?! 

Morbius: I'm...I'm fine. Just...give me a minute.

Todoroki: That was amazing. 

Morbius: The transformation took more out of me than I thought. 

Yaoyorozu could see that the transformation exhausted Morbius. He was barely able to move, causing Yaoyorozu and Todoroki to pick him up. 

Todoroki: We need to get out of here before the League finds us. There's nothing more we can do here. We'd just get in the way. 

With that, Yaoyorozu and Todoroki began to carry the exhausted Morbius to safety. As they moved away from the battlefield, Yaoyorozu voiced her concerns to Morbius. 

Yaoyorozu: I...I wish you didn't put yourself out of harms way. You promised....

Morbius: It needed to be done, Momo. Better I exhaust myself than allow any harm to come to you. 

Morbius then thought about how he nearly sacrificed himself to allow the others to save Bakugo. Had it not been for All Might's timely arrival, Morbius could very well have ended up dead. Once they left the battlefield, they soon met up with the others at the train station. There, they watch from a televised broadcast as All Might and All For One clash in a titanic battle. The whole world watched as All Might gave it everything he got in that fight. For a moment, it looked like All For One was about to destroy All Might. However, All Might had mustered enough strength to use a United States of Smash attack o All For One, defeating him. The shockwave of that attack was felt even at the train station. Despite All Might's victory, All Might's power was no more. All of Hero Society would be forever changed.

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