Chapter Forty Seven - The Coming Storm

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Outside the Gunga Mountain Villa, Morbius joined the main assault force as they waited for the signal to attack. Tokoyami and Kaminari were among those called to the front lines. As they waited, Kaminari began freaking out.

Kaminari: I think I might throw up. This is terrifying! I...I should be with the others!

Midnight: You knew what you were getting into.

Kaminari: Well, yeah. Of course! How was I supposed to say no when everybody was there watching me? I didn't want them to see what a coward I can be sometimes.

Midnight: I'm sorry, but we do need your Quirk. Just tell yourself that we useless adults need your aid.

Kaminari: No! It's so much worse if I think the Pros can't handle this without me!

Morbius could see that Kaminari was terrified about the upcoming battle. Morbius approached Kaminari and spoke.

Morbius: It is natural to be afraid, Kaminari. But this is what we all signed up for the moment we enrolled as Pro Heroes.

Kaminari: Easy for you to say, Michael. You've got a powerful Quirk.

Morbius: For the longest time, I resented my Quirk and by extension, myself. Because of the....dark nature of my Quirk, my early life was that of isolation, fear and discrimination. As far as many were concerned, I was just a monster. But that wasn't until I met Momo. She saved my life. And when I enrolled at UA with her, I found myself in the company of friends who did not see me as a monster. You all saw me as a person. It was because of you all that I was able to move past my own fears and master my Quirk.

Kaminari: But...but I'm not like you!

Morbius: I know how you feel, Kaminari. I'd rather be back there as well. I'd rather be by Momo's side. But we all have our parts to play. Your Quirk as well as mine are needed here. They need us.

Tokoyami: Kaminari. You scared, too? During the school festival, I discovered the real you while we played guitar together. You are an incredible person.

Kaminari: How does being a guitar god help?!

Morbius: That's not the point, Kaminari. Time and time again, we have been tested. During the USJ attack, you fought bravely. During the attack on the Training Camp, you fought bravely. Why should this battle be any different?

As Morbius said this, Kaminari took a moment to think over Morbius's words. Morbius could see the doubt growing within Kaminari.

Kaminari: This...this is different! In those times, the Villains attacked us! We didn't have much of a choice!

Morbius: You're right. In those attacks, the Villains attacked us. They invaded our school and put our classmates in danger. They put Jiro in danger. Don't you want some payback?

Upon hearing this, Kaminari was taken aback by this. Despite being afraid for the coming battle, Kaminari couldn't help but want some payback on the Villains that had attacked his classmates time and time again.

Kaminari: Yeah....yeah! Those Villains have been kicking our asses for too long! They walk up to our school like they own the place! I think it's high time we bust down their little hideout and give them a taste of their own medicine!

Morbius: Is that so? It would take a real Pro Hero to take the fight to the Villains after all that.

As Morbius said that, Kaminari found his spirit. Despite his own personal fears about the battle, Kaminari would fight on. Morbius smiled as Kaminari was uplifted by his words as well as Tokoyami. As they waited for the signal to attack, Morbius thinks back to the day he first met Yaoyorozu. He remembered the kindness she showed to him.

Morbius(Past): Yaoyorozu.....

Yaoyorozu(Past): Morbius, come with me.

Morbius(Past): What? You don't see me as a monster? Even knowing about my Quirk?

Yaoyorozu(Past): You are no monster. You are far from a monster. You saved my life! I don't even know how to repay you....but at least come with me.

Morbius(Past): Are you inviting me to your home? To share the same roof as you?

Yaoyorozu(Past): wouldn't feel right if I just left you to live in the conditions you live in. Please Morbius, come with me.

Morbius(Past): All right Yaoyorozu. If you really insist, then I accept your offer.

Yaoyorozu(Past): Don't worry about space. My home should have plenty of room to accommodate you!

As Morbius looked back on that memory, he thought about how much his life had changed because of that meeting. It was because of that meeting that Morbius was able to move past his own fears and become a Pro Hero. As Morbius pondered on the battle to come, Tokoyami spoke to him.

Tokoyami: You did a good thing, Michael.

Morbius: I fully understand Kaminari's fears.

Tokoyami: You're a good friend, Michael. I know the road has not always been easy for you.

Morbius: I have everyone in Class 1-A to thank for that, you included. You all gave me a chance without second thought. Even during times when I lost control and gave in to my bloodthirst, you all never stopped believing in me. I hope I can repay that kindness one day.

Tokoyami: There is no need, Michael. Friends carry no debts with one another.

With that, Morbius mentally prepared himself for the battle to come. But what Morbius didn't realize was that this battle would send devastating ripples across Hero Society that even the retirement of All Might would pale in comparison.

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