Chapter Forty Four - Lessons Learned

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After the conclusion of his match, the Joint Training Exercise continued. Morbius watched as all the teams from both Class 1-A and Class 1-B gave it their all. As he watched, Morbius couldn't stop thinking about how he nearly lost control. Morbius dreaded on what might've happened had he not collapsed. He could still see the fear in Kendo's eyes. Morbius watched as It was clear to the teachers that both classes had the heart and soul to fight on. Throughout the course of this exercise, the matches ended. It was a close competition between Class 1-A and Class 1-B. At the last match, Morbius got to see Midoriya and Shinso face off. During this match, Midoriya displayed what appeared to be a new move when a mysterious black power explodes out of Midoriya. At first, Midoriya seems to lose control of this new power when Ochaco and a seemingly other force. Soon enough, Team Midoriya was able to pull out the win, breaking the tie between Class 1-A and Class 1-B. When it was over, Morbius simply smiled to himself. As the announcement was made, the students of Class 1-A cheered while many of the Class 1-B students became dejected. Soon enough, Shinso approached Aizawa and Vlad King.

Shinso: I couldn't accomplish anything on my own. I'm still lacking. And.....this was my test for a possible transfer, right?

As Shinso said that, Vlad King was surprised at this while Aizawa showed no reaction to this.

Vlad King: He knew?!

Shinso: It was just a guess, but given the timing and the format, this was a convenient way to test me that didn't cost me anything. Plus you let me fight twice.

Vlad King: This one's sharp.

Morbius: It looks like there's more to Shinso than meets the eye.

Aizawa: Let's get back to the others. We still have to go over the post game analysis.

As Aizawa went over the post game analysis, Morbius could see that this exercise turned out to be more than what was planned. Not only did everyone get a second chance to see the Midoriya VS Shinso fight from the Sports Festival, but each and every one of 1-A students as well as Class 1-B performed astoundingly. But when it came to to speak to Midoriya, the new power Midoriya displayed was on everyone's minds.

Aizawa: Want to tell us what happened back there?

Midoriya: The power welled up and I couldn't control it. It's like something I've believed in up until now all of a sudden turned on me. was terrifying. But when Ochaco and Shinso tried to stop me, that helped me realize that it wasn't all bad. If Shinso hadn't used his Brainwashing to knock me unconscious, I honestly don't know what would've happened.

As Midoriya said this, it was clear to the Akatsuki that there was something special about Midoriya's Quirk. Shinso soon spoke up.

Shinso: I wasn't just doing it for Midoriya's sake. Ochaco gave me the order so I acted. Plus, I saw the other three getting wrecked by the black energy and realized that our team would probably lose unless I did something. I did what I did because I wanted to fight Midoriya and beat him. It only worked out that way by chance. But in the moment, I focused on myself and what I wanted.

Aizawa walks over to Shinso and scolds him on acting out of his own desires. However, he was deeply impressed by Shinso's skills. 

Morbius: Your skills have improved considerably since the Sports Festival. 

Aizawa: Indeed.

Vlad King: We've still got some deliberating to do, but as it stands, Shinso will be joining the UA Hero Course as of his second year! He's got what it takes to be everyone's equal!

As Vlad King says this, Shinso was taken aback by this. His hard work had finally paid off. He would now finally be entered into the Hero Course.

Morbius: Congratulations, Shinso.

Shinso was overcome with joy as the students from both Class 1-A and Class 1-B offered their congratulations. With that, the Joint Training Exercises were over. After that, Yaoyorozu spoke to Itachi.

Yaoyorozu: How are you, Michael?

Morbius: A little sore, but nothing I've faced before.

Yaoyorozu: Michael....I....I saw what happened. Before I passed out. I saw.....

Morbius: I nearly lost control. I....I....

Yaoyorozu: It's not your fault, Michael. 

Morbius: I thought I had it under control. But....but I was wrong. 

As Morbius said this, they were approached by Kendo. There was a tense silence as Morbius's guilt was obvious. 

Kendo: Hey. 

Morbius: Kendo. I....I'm sorry about what happened. 

Kendo: It''s alright. 

Morbius: It's not. I nearly lost control. Had I not collapsed, who knows what could've happened. 

Kendo: Things happen, Michael. Happens to the best of us. I....I know you're not a bad guy despite what Monoma says. Don't let what happened get to you, okay?

As Kendo said this, Morbius was shocked at how Kendo was able to forgive him. Morbius fell silent as he took a deep breath. Kendo then offered her hand. After a moment, Morbius shook Kendo's hand. Morbius smiled as Yaoyorozu hugged him. With that, both classes were dismissed. As all the students were heading to the Dorms, Morbius spoke to Yaoyorozu.

Morbius: This has been an...interesting day.

Yaoyorozu: has. 

Yaoyorozu then hugged Morbius to show her support. With that, the day ended. The Joint Training Exercises ended and all the students learned the lessons that their teachers were trying to teach. Only time would tell of how they would apply those lessons in the future.

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