Chapter Two - Testing The Vampire

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The day after showcasing his abilities, Morbius went to class. As Aizawa was doing a lesson, All Might entered the classroom. He had all the students put on their hero costumes and meet him in the training field. Morbius's hero costume consisted of a black trench coat with big red collars. 

Yaoyorozu: I like your costume Michael!

When Morbius turned around and saw Yaoyorozu's hero costume, he blushed brightly. His blushing was more obvious because of his pale skin.

Morbius: T...thank you Momo. Your hero costume is....appealing. 

After that, All Might informed the class that they would be participating in a Battle Trials. The students would be split into teams of two. One team of Heroes would be facing off against a team of Villains. Morbius was placed on the Villain team with Yaoyorozu. They would be going against the Hero team of Jiro, Kaminari and Mineta. When their match was next, Morbius and Yaoyorozu went to their starting area where the fake bomb was. 

Morbius: What's the plan?

Yaoyorozu: I'll set up some alarm systems around the bomb. I'll also set some traps throughout the building. I'll need you to lure them to the traps. 

Morbius: Understood. If all else fails, they won't get to the bomb. 

After planning their approach, the Hero team was released. The first thing they did was enter the building. The building was dark. 

Kaminari: Man who turned out the lights! 

Mineta: This place gives me the creeps!

As the Hero team moved through building in search for the bomb, a low growl echoed through the corridors. Up above them, Morbius moved through the ceiling. Mineta then checked a nearby room. 

Mineta: girls....

As Mineta entered the room, he activated a tripwire and triggered a snare trap. The snare attached to his feet and hung him upside down. 


Kaminari: What happened?!

Mineta: What do you think happened?! Just get me down?!

Suddenly, Morbius dropped from the ceiling and grabbed Mineta and left with blinding speed. Before Jiro and Kaminari could react, Morbius took Mineta. 

Kaminari: Whoa! Where did he go?! 

Jiro: How am I supposed to know?! He just disappeared!

Jiro and Kaminari became uneasy as Morbius continued to stalk them. Meanwhile in the control room, All Might and the rest of Class 1-A watched with the same uneasiness.

Mina: Man Morbius is scary!

Toru: No kidding! He just snatched up Mineta like it was nothing!

Bakugo: Oh please! If it were me, he'd already be in the fucking hospital! 

Back in the battle trials, Jiro and Kaminari continued moving through the building as Morbius stalked them. Morbius then jumps from the ceiling to confront them. 

Morbius: This is far as you go.....

Kaminari: I got this guy! You go get the bomb!

Jiro ran off while Kaminari began using his Electrification Quirk against Morbius. Morbius was able dodge the electric attacks with his super speed. Morbius then rushes Kaminari and grabs him by the neck. 

Morbius: You lost Kaminari.....

Morbius could smell the fear from Kaminari as he tried to fight back. He saw the blood pulsing through Kaminari's veins. He felt the hunger for blood. Before he could act on those instincts, Morbius restrained himself as he knocked Kaminari out. At the control room, Aizawa notices this.

Aizawa: (That look in his eyes.....what is this kid?)

Back in the fight, Jiro locates the bomb and is engaged in a fight with Yaoyorozu. Morbius sees this and jumps in the fight. Jiro then attacks Morbius with a sound based attack. The high pitched sound was unbearable for Morbius as he screamed a bloodcurdling scream.

Yaoyorozu: Michael!

Suddenly, Morbius snaps as he savagely attacks Jiro. Jiro was unable to react as Morbius grabs be by the neck and slams her to the ground. Morbius then pounces on Jiro and growls at her. 

Morbius: Blood.....BLOOD!

Yaoyorozu could see that Morbius was getting out of control and restrained him. 

Yaoyorozu: Michael! Michael! Snap out of it!

Morbius then slowly recovers from his bloodlust and looks at the beaten Jiro. 

Morbius: What have I done?

Yaoyorozu: It's okay Michael....

All Might(Intercom): THE VILLAIN TEAM WINS! 

After that, both the Villain and Hero met up with the rest of the class in the control room. Morbius could feel the stares of fear from the other students.


While Yaoyorozu smiled, Morbius still felt guilty. After that, the Battle Trials continued. When it was over class was concluded. Outside the school, Morbius walked up to Jiro and Kaminari.

Morbius: Jiro. Kaminari. I wish to apologize for my actions back in the Battle Trials. I....I don't know what came over me....

Jiro: It''s okay Michael. It happens to be best of us.

Kaminari: Yeah! No need to apologize! That was actually pretty cool in a....scary way!

After that, Morbius and Yaoyorozu began walking home. 

Morbius: Momo....thank you for what you did. If it weren't for you, I.....

Yaoyorozu: Don't mention it Michael. 

Morbius: I could feel the fear in their eyes. They must think I'm a monster....

Yaoyorozu: That's ridiculous Michael! You are not a monster! 

Morbius was taken aback by Yaoyorozu's kindness. Despite his appearance and his Quirk, Yaoyorozu was still kind to him. Some of the other students of Class 1-A showed kindness to him. When they got home, Morbius and Yaoyorozu rested for the day. Despite nearly losing himself to his bloodlust, Morbius made an impressive display of his power. Morbius readied himself for the next day of UA. 

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