chapter thirty-four: flower

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"where the hell are you?!" the sound of her agitated brother's voice boomed from her phone.

"at a shop called shoe station. chan's with me— try those on, they'd look good on you"

"what are you buying?"

"a washing machine with extra gears— shoes of course you flat faced fuck, what else would i buy at a shoe store?" she said before ending the call. jihan looked over to chan who was admiring the pair of shoes he had on. "do you like them?"

"they're nice, don't you think?" he asked, his eyes sparkling in awe.

jihan chuckled, turning to the sales clerk. "we'll get this one"

chan's eyes widened, "we came here to buy you shoes"

"it's not wrong to spoil my little brother once in a while, is it?" she asked thanking the sale's clerk as he handed her a brand new pair in a box.

chan quickly took the one's he was wearing off and wore his shoes. he quickly tailed behind her as she made her way to the counter.

"thank you" he hugged her like a little child.

she hummed as she slipped her card out of her wallet.

"also, your birthday is in two days" the younger brought up as he took a step back. "are you excited?"

"nope" she replied, taking her card back and handing the paper bad to chan. together they walked out of the shop. "father's probably going to use our birthday as an excuse to throw some big party and gain connections"

"a lot of reporters swarmed your engagement party, you'd think it was a gala"

"it was jake lee's social gathering" she said. "how's your english?"

"it's pretty good" he replied, switching to english. 

"your accent is spot on, i'm impressed" she replied.

"i learn from the best" he winked, making her chuckle.

"of course you do"

they conversed in straight english as they looked for jihoon, earning a handful of fascinated looks by strangers passing by.

"there you guys are! i've been looking all over for you two" seokmin ran up to them breathlessly. "can i. . ." he bent over and gripped his knees, trying to catch his breath. "can i— can you. . ."

this can't be good.

"seokmin, speak" jihan folded her arms across her chest.  "don't baffle like a-" she stopped herself and took a breathe, the phrase she was about to say was too familiar.

'you are me, we have the same mind and that will never change, am i clear?'

she shook the horrid thought away and said, "seokmin, what is it?"

"sara's in the hospital" he breathed.

he looked at both his siblings, waiting for a reaction but got none. they only looked at him.

"and?" chan asked.

"she— broke her leg"

"okay, and?"

seokmin straightened his posture and crossed his arms. "guys, she's in the hospital. she fell of her staircase—"

"who pushed her?" jihan asked.

"nobody did, she just fell—"

she huffed, a smile printed on her lips. "how embarrassing"

"noona!" seokmin's arms fell by the sided of his hips. "please take me to the hospital"

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