twenty-one: drama

14 1 0

warning: tea

"mom" seokmin cleared his throat, attracting all of their attentions.

"yes?" their mom asked.

"i'm.. well-"

"what is it, seokmin? you can tell me anything" their mother assuringly smiled, giving seokmin more confidence.

however, the only sibling who looked the slightest bit interested was jihoon. jihan and chan looked unbothered as ever as they ate their breakfast.

"i'm going to court sara"

this made jihan slam her fork on their table, creating a loud clacking sound of metal and wood. wasn't the greatest sound.

chan stopped eating and looked at seokmin, surprised. 

jihoon didn't seem fazed but he was annoyed. he expected it anyway.

"lee jihan, mind your table manners" their mother glared at her daughter before turning back to seokmin. "are you sure? you're only seventeen. you sure you can handle it?"

"i can" seokmin smiled. "she's a lovely girl"

"out of all the people, seokmin. out of all the damn people" jihan said, looking at her brother. 

jihan's eyes were cold, they were a slap in the face for her mother. for a second, she saw her horrible husband in her daughter's eyes.

"watch your mouth, jihan" their mother warned. "manners, young lady"

"you won't court choi sara" she stated.

seokmin frowned, "why not?"

"she's a horrible person"

"noona" seokmin sighed. " i know what i'm doing"

"seokmin knows what he's doing, jihan" their mother backed him up. "trust his judgement"

"and not mine?"

jihoon's phone suddenly vibrated. irritated, he discretely viewed the text message since they still had the 'no phone on the table' rule. what he saw surprised him. not in a good way.

he didn't know whether to show the text to his sister. he knew what she would do, he vividly predicted everything. 

but then again, his sister needed to know.

so he did.


slamming the car door, she locked it before storming towards their campus with fire in her eyes. tailing behind her, her twin brother was kind of excited for what would happen. he knows he shouldn't be, but he was. 

"oy, jihan—"

jihan ignored soonyoung and walked straight past him. taken aback, soonyoung looked at jihoon who was quickly following his sister. jihan and soonyoung had a weird friendship, but she never ignored him. 

"shit is about to go down" soonyoung muttered.

jihan stormed into their campus, attracting attention. curious yet frightened, students watched as the lee twins walked. it was a given that the two of them were scary, but this time they were horrifying. jihan looked like she could kill anyone who crossed her path.

jihan was usually the passive aggressive type but this time was different.

once jihan found who she was looking for, she walked towards her. her black, platform boots were the only noises heard in the silent hallway. 

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