three: kim mingyu, mom's ex boyfriend

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"it's fucking freezing" jihoon mumbled. "if chan doesn't come out now, i swear i will leave him"

"i'm driving, i make the decision" jihan put her phone in the pocket of her coat. "and i decide that we leave him, come on" she opened the car door, about to go in.

"he's here" jihoon pointed at chan with his eyes. 

she closed the car door and crossed her arms. she smirked and grabbed her twin's hands. she walked towards chan, dragging jihoon.

"if you're gonna scare a kid, at least leave me out of it" jihoon muttered.

"chani!" she called as she walked towards her little brother.

"oh noona, hyung" chan smiled at his siblings.

"you're chan's friend?" jihan smiled at seonjae. 

seonjae nodded, "hello, i'm bae seonjae"

"i'm jihan, this jeongh- i mean jihoon" she pointed at jihoon.

jihoon looked her at her incredulously "do i look like jeonghan to you?"

"no, i was just thinking about him. you could never succumb to that level of hotness" she said. "anyway, how old are you?"

"oh, i'm fifteen as well"

"wow, same age" she wiggled her eyebrows. "invite her over some time, chan. mom would love to meet your friends"


"seriously? you invited her over?" chan asked in disbelief.

"what? i'm curious about her since she likes you"

"i never said she liked me!" chan whined from the backseat. "stop jumping to conclusions, will you?"

"well does she?" jihoon asked.

"... yes"

"well chan honey, you are not allowed to like her back" jihan said.

"i know, i know" chan rolled his eyes. "but why did you invite her over? that was beyond unnecessary"

"i can't tell her to back off so i'll let herself realize that you are way out of her league"

"seonjae is rich too, from what i know" chan said.

"i'm not talking money-wise, chan. i'm not pathetic enough to judge someone by their social status. never do that, chan. that's horrible" she lectured. "but have you seen her face? she's like fifteen and the makeup on her face probably weighs more than she does"

"let chan handle it, hani" jihoon said. "i guess he's old enough"

"sure" she rolled her eyes. "remember when someone tried to court me and you beat them up? yeah, your words don't really translate well"

jihoon shrugged, "he was ugly anyway"

"he was kim mingyu, hoon!" she raised her voice. "i could've had a hot boyfriend by now"

"well kim mingyu is a father now so don't wish for that" jihoon said.

jihan choked on whatever was in her empty throat. she continued coughing to the point where she had to pull over. she looked at her brother with her brows furrowed. she almost looked hurt.

"kim mingyu got pregnant?" chan asked.

"no idiot, he got someone pregnant"

"kim mingyu? as in our hot classmate from highschool who was head over heels for me? our neighbor? mom's ex boyfriend?" jihan asked, however, her tone was monotonous.

chan's eyes somehow managed to grow ten times larger, "HE'S MOM'S EX BOYFRIEND?!"

"oh i'm sorry, mom's ex boyfriend's son. my bad" 

chan let out a breath of relief. he silently thanked the heavens.

"that's what soonyoung said. it's a rumor that went around his school in maryland" jihoon informed.

"guys, i'm gonna be late for hockey" chan whined.

"stop whining or we're going home" jihan scolded. she looked at jihoon again, "how does soonyoung know? maryland is like sixteen ish hours away"

"oh you know soonyoung, he knows everybody" jihoon replied. "i'm pretty sure he even has friends from antarctica"

"he.. what?"


the two twins watched their youngest brother glide across the ice. it wasn't exactly graceful- it was rather aggressive. nevertheless, they were proud.

"chan is so talented- why didn't i get all those genes" jihan sighed.

"at least you got the brains and looks. i mean, you do look like him"

"are you calling me pretty?" jihan put a hand over her heart dramatically. 

"don't get ahead of yourself, i'm prettier"

"jihoon? jihan"

in perfect sync, the two turned around.

"junhui" jihan said with a smile on her face as she walked towards the man, giving him a small hug.

"hey, ji" he chuckled and hugged her tightly- he was even fancy enough to spin her around.

"you guys look like a couple" jihoon sighed and walked towards them. "i haven't seen you in a while, junhui"

"busy with stuff so i've been absent from school" he said and released jihan. "i was with joshua a while ago"

"the hot and annoying LA boy?" jihan asked.

"stay in your lane, and yes. the hot LA boy" junhui said. "anyway, he said kim mingyu's coming back soon"

jihan frowned, jihoon  gasped, "is it true he got someone pregnant?"

"i don't know" junhui shrugged. "we'll find out when he gets here"

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