one: dumb fulamingo

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seokmin and chan watched as jihan knocked jihoon out with a pan.


"should we stop them?" seokmin asked worriedly. "jihoon hyung might actually die"

"he's got a thick skull anyway" chan replied. "don't worry, mom will be home soon- see? "

the main door opened, revealing their mother carrying groceries. "kids i'm- what's going on?!"

jihan slowly stepped away from jihoon's body.

"jihan, you've got one minute to explain- ESTHER JIHANNE LEE, HOW COULD YOU?" their mother angrily walked towards jihan and grabbed the black pan from her daughter.

"tea" chan smiled mischievously and skipped down the stairs. he looked at seokmin, "what, don't want to watch those two get beat?"

"right behind you"

"i'm sorry but he deserved it" jihan mumbled, not daring to meet her mother's eyes.

"DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THIS PAN COSTS?" her mother exclaimed in horror as she caressed her fairly scratched pan.

jihan stopped sulking and looked at her mother in confusion, chan and seokmin did the same.

"this frying pan is worth three months of groceries, you foolish children!" their mother switched to english, messing her hair up in frustration. "i'm taking your phone and laptop away for a week and no leaving the house"

"mommy, are you not going to acknowledge the fact that jihoon hyung is possibly dead?" chan asked, his eyes wandering towards his unconscious brother.

"jihoon? where is he? did he scratch another pan?! LEE JIHOON"

seokmin was genuinely worried, chan was confused and jihan didn't know whether she should laugh or stay serious because of the fact that she possibly gave her twin brother a mild concussion.

her mother looked down beside jihan and saw her eldest son laying face first flat on the ground.



"you two are in serious trouble" mrs. lee said, arms crossed.

"what?! us two?! mom, she nearly killed me!" he exclaimed.

"well, you actually committed murder you overgrown corn chip" jihan glared at him. "you fed my fish peppercorn and she died, you dumb fu-"

"if you swear, i'm taking your piano away as well" her mother gave her a deadly glare.

"-you fulamingo" she quickly saved herself.

"it's not my fault it looked like fish food"

"it's not my fault your brain is the size of the peppercorn you fed my damn goldfish"

"it's just a fish!" he frustratingly grabbed his hair, making him yelp since he accidentally touched the part jihan hit.

"and you're just a human, shall i feed you rat poison and watch you die?" jihan shot back.

"oooo nice one noona" chan cheered.

his mother glared at him as a warning for him to shut up, and he did.

"why did you feed her fish peppercorn, jihoon?" her mother sighed. "now i need to get her another one"

"the fact that he got a b in science explains his dumbness"

jihoon glared at his sister, "i am so knocking you out after i get the hell out of here"

"you two are so violent, i'm sure i didn't raise psychopaths" mrs. lee massaged her temples to soothe her stress. "you know what? you two are grounded. no phone, no laptop and no instruments"


"mom, it's her fault!" jihoon pointed at jihan.

"you killed my fish!"

"you two are twins, born the same day, same place. you two were supposed to be only one but God decided to make you two, so you might-"

"mom, i don't think it works like that" jihan said. "twins happen when two sperm cells-"

"don't interrupt, young lady" mrs. lee firmly said. she sighed, "as i was saying, you two are practically one. one commits a mistake, the other one does as well. one commits an achievement, the other one does as well"

"you didn't seem to scold me when jihoon got a b minus in english" jihan muttered.

"jihan, you bitch" jihoon mouthed angrily.

jihan shrugged.


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