seventeen: right here

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jihan shut the door of her car and groggily walked towards their school. glaring at her brother, she said, "why the fuck did you make me drive? i'm tired"

"i had to finish that math homework in the car" jihoon said as he continued to stare at his book.

"i shouldn't suffer the consequences of your irresponsibility" jihan hissed. she was clearly not in the mood.

their dinner last night was uneventful, nothing really happened. their father just talked about business with their mother. how boring. he didn't even ask about how seokmin was doing.

"i hope you fucking trip over a rock" jihan muttered.

as said, jihoon suddenly tripped. not on a rock though, but it still seemed like jihan had planned the whole scenario.

as her brother threw curse words at her, she sped up her walking pace, chuckling to herself. 

as soon as she stepped into their building, all eyes were fixed on her. 

ah, my betrothal with hong

ignoring those sets of piercing eyes, she continued to advance. 

"oy, jihanie!" she heard kwon soonyoung call. 

she heard his voice get louder and louder. sighing, she shook her head.


"is it true that joshua and i are betrothed? yes, it's true" jihan cut him off, not wanting to hear it. "anything else, soonyoung?"

"that's so fucking cool" soonyoung put a hand over his mouth in amazement. "joshua sunbae is a whole package, ji. you got super lucky"

"and me?" jihan stopped walking and raised a brow at soonyoung. "you don't think he got lucky with me?"

soonyoung paused to actually think. he did the literal thinking pose, head lightly rested on his lifted index finger slightly tilted. he even had the audacity to squint his eyes.

"well aside from your attitude problems and lack of height, you're pretty much good too-"

jihan smacked him with the book she carried. glaring at him, she hit him again. soonyoung jumped and yelped in surprise. it wasn't even painful, he was just being a drama queen.

"what? it's true! joshua sunbae is kind, caring and handsome"

jihan was about to hit him when the angel being spoken about joined in. "why thank you soonyoung"

jihan stared at him in disgust but bowed anyway along with soonyoung. in school, he's her senior and not her fiance. it had always been like that and it always will be that way.

"sunbae" soonyoung greeted and smiled.

"sorry to interrupt your conversation but have any of you seen choi sara?" joshua asked, making jihan raise a brow suspiciously. 

"i don't think she's arrived yet" soonyoung reply. "why're you looking sara when your fiancée's right here?" 

jihan lightly tapped on soonyoung's shoulder. he looked at her and she smiled which was out of the ordinary. she then stomped on his foot. 

"kwon soonyoung this is the last fucking time"

"talk about anger issues- see, this is what i was talking about. and it didn't even hurt!" 

joshua's eyes widened at the scene unfolding in front of him. "jihan, don't stomp on people's feet. that's rude"

"yeah, jihan. listen to your-"

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