thirty-one: confide

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jihan glanced at chan and nodded towards the exit before silently walking off. instinctively, her little brother followed her out.

they sat on one of the lobby couches, just them two. she left for a mere minute and came back with ice wrapped in a light blue handkerchief. chan flinched when the foggy, crystal-like emblem lightly grazed over his slightly discolored, ivory skin.

"that kid sure knows how to punch" jihan commented as she ran the wrapped ice over the random discolored mark, his fair skin did not make the bruise any less noticeable. "do you feel fine? is your head okay? are you dizzy?"

he shook his head, "i feel fine- better actually, after punching that penguin looking-"

"don't badmouth him too much, he has it worse"

"but he-"

"deserved it?" she continued for him, "well, seeing that scar on his face- this is probably less than what you deserve, lee chan"

his eyes met the floor as he nodded.

he zipped his mouth for a moment only to open it up again, "are you mad?"

"furious" she sighed, "but there's no point in getting all fired up here, is there?"

"why did you go against me like that?" chan said, visibly upset.

"i didn't go against you" she told, "i'm on your side- i always am"

"then why-"

"i don't want you to grow up thinking it's okay to harm people just because you don't like them. you clearly provoked the boy, chan"

"that's rich coming from you" chan muttered under his breath.

jihan chuckled and shook her head, "i'm only willing to be a hypocrite when it comes to you"

"why did you apologize?"

"i said what i said, lee chan" she firmly said, bringing the ice down to give him a stern look. "now tell me, why did you punch him?"

"i roundhouse kicked him-"

"that's even worse!" she exclaimed in disbelief. she sighed and massaged her temples, "tell me, what happened?"

chan hesitated.

"i'm not going to kill you- if anything, i'll kill for you"

chan opened his mouth to speak but shut it immediately when he saw seokmin running towards them.

"lee chan! what was-"

"why are you even here? go comfort your godamn girlfriend-"

"lee chan, don't speak to me like that" seokmin frowned and glared at his brother. they stayed that way until jihoon went to them.

"are you okay? have you iced your face?" jihoon asked as neared the youngest boy, studying his face.

"see the difference, seokmin hyung?" chan let out a sarcastic laugh. "you sympathize more with your girlfriend's brother. how shameful of you"

"it's never right to hurt anyone! go apologize right now-"

"i will not apologize to someone like him"

"lee chan" seokmin looked at him in shock.

"what, you're going to tell me i'm a foul-mouthed brat? well unfortunate for you, that's not very original anymore-"

"lee chan, watch your mouth" jihoon warned. "mother won't be happy to hear you speak like this"

"you know, i used to really like you. you were my favorite brother" chan clenched his jaw. "but now that i think about it, you belong to their family. a bunch of assholes pretending to be saints"

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