chapter thirty-seven: pen

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jihoon's door swung open with a loud thud that followed the door slamming against the wall.

"hyung have you seen my calligraphy pen?" chan 

jihoon slid his laptop from his lap to his bedside table and looked at chan. "is it not in your room?"

"no, it was on the table last night"

"then mom probably threw it out-"

"but it was new!"

"stop whining, you're starting to remind me of my evil twin sister" jihoon pulled his navy blue blanket off his body and walked towards his little brother. "jihan probably has one in her room, but she locks it all the time so i don't think you can-"

chan began stomping his feet like a five year old, "ah, hyung!!"

"oh my god, okay shut up" jihoon frustratingly groaned and pushed past his little brother, who grinned in victory. he walked towards his sister's room and twisted the knob, expecting it to be locked as usual but to his surprise, the door pushed open.

"she must've forgotten to lock her door" jihoon muttered but stepped inside anyway. they shared a womb, so walking into each others' rooms isn't a big deal.

he noticed the way her room was unorganized, which was out of the ordinary. jihan always kept her room tidy, it helped her maintain a calm mind.

jihoon assumed she was in a rush, which cause her to leave her room messy and unlocked.

he approached the off-white coloured vanity, scanning for any pens. and to his luck, he found one near her makeup brushes. he slid the cover off to check, and it seemed like a pretty decent calligraphy pen to him. 

as he was about to leave, he spotted a peculiar envelop placed on his sister's bed. what's more conspicuous was the fact that it was half covered by her dark blue doona. He walked closer to pick it up. 

on the back of the envelop was the logo of a well-known hospital while on the front was a sticker with the word 'confidential' printed on it. 

why would jihan go to a hospital?

jihoon frowned, debating whether he should open it or not. 

should i open it? 

if it was related to his sister's health, he needed to know. he should know. but then again, he knew she'd eventually tell him if something was wrong- if she'd developed an illness.

but we had a physical checkup five months ago. 

after a while of debating, he finally made a decision.

he sighed before planted the brown envelop below her blanket, where it was before he'd even seen it.

if she's keeping it from me, there must be a reason. 

he chose not to open it because he knew sooner or later, she'll eventually tell him. he knew. that's just how they were.


"this calligraphy pen's really nice" chan told jihoon as he continuously worked on his project. "where'd noona buy this?"

"i don't know, the brand name's probably on the pen" jihoon replied monotonously.

chan lifted the pen and examined its structure. "dior," he read the name.

"dior?" jihoon repeats. "i didn't know dior had pens"

"me neither" chan pursed his lips and nodded, impressed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2021 ⏰

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