twenty-three: punishment

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"so for this winter fest..."

those were the last words jihan was able to catch before allowing her mind to fall into a huge black hole. all the thoughts bunched up in her brain made her go completely blank. it was unlike her.

feeling watched, she snapped out of her trance. she turned her head to look and only kim mingyu, who was across the room, came into view. he was staring her, full of concern and worry.

"are you okay?" he mouthed.

slightly smiling, she nodded.

"excuse me mister kim and miss lee, this is not a place for you to display your budding romance" their teacher's voice made mingyu break eye contact. "jihan, aren't you engaged?"


that word hurt mingyu more than he thought it would. sighing, he simply apologized to miss won.

jihan however, slowly took her eyes off mingyu and stared straight at their teacher. "as far as i'm concerned, this is none of your business miss won"

offended, their teacher frowned. "excuse me, miss lee?"

"were we interrupting a class? i don't think so" jihan crossed her arms tauntingly. "you were talking about the same old annual winter fest. if you're not aware, i took part in organizing the program since lazy teachers like you did not-"

"lee jihan, get out of my class"

"i'm not finished, don't interrupt me" jihan spoke, her voice full of authority. "as a teacher, you teach students manners yet you don't have any. look at your notes, will you?"

junhui looked at his best friend, proudly smiling.

"about my engagement, it's just an engagement; anything can happen" jihan told, her eyes not leaving her teacher's. "your job is to teach, right? stick to that and stop being nosy. it's annoying"

"out of my class, lee" miss won fumed. "i'll make sure the heads take disciplinary action on you, how disrespectful"

jihan shrugged shrugged and stood up. when she was just about to make her exit, she paused. "don't feel superior just because i'm leaving. i'm leaving because i want to"

she then turned around and smirked fearlessly, "don't feel important either. after all, you only teach home economics"


"and she.. she called my subject pathetic" jihan watched in disgust as miss won cried to the principal.

the principal pat miss won's back and nodded. turning his head to jihan, he said, "i heard you also threatened a teacher, saying you'll make them jobless. we'll be sure to take disciplinary action, kids. you'll be cleaning the school windows, got it?"

"got it, principal ko"
"yes, principal ko"

jihan glared at the two boys who answered with way too much excitement. she mentally slapped them before shaking her head.

apparently, after she walked out of the classroom, mingyu followed her out, and junhui accidentally laughed. so there they were, in the principal's office.

"your window duties last a week-"

jihan raised a brow at principal ko, making him shudder. a thought came into her mind. she proceeded to take her phone out and dial a number she never really calls. everybody just watched intently.

mingyu looked at junhui in confusion who just winked.

after a few rings, the person picked up.

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