sixteen: deal with the devil

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jihan dialed her brother's number countless of times but he didn't answer. although she already knew where he was, she still called him. she hated how their subdivision was unfairly large. five minutes into walking and she's already catching her breath. 

she could've taken a car but she didn't think of that. 

"jihan?" she heard a familiar voice call. she knew the voice was familiar but she couldn't place a finger on it.

she turned around and the frown on her face disappeared. she stared at the man as if he had two heads. opening her mouth, she was unable to speak. her brain was too busy connecting the dots that she couldn't figure out the exact words to say.

"it's really you" the man laughed, he seemed excited. like a puppy, he was adorable. "what? did i steal the words straight from your mouth?"

finally getting it together, she cleared her throat. "you're back"

"obviously" he smiled and jogged closer towards her. "it's good to see you too"

"i see you've grown"

"i see you haven't"

jihan rolled her eyes at his statement. "welcome back, kim"

"it's been years, darling, couldn't you be more welcoming?" mingyu crossed his arms and pouted. "you've gotten even more beautiful"

"it's jihan, and i'm in a rush, kim" jihan tensed up but pulled a straight face as she turned around. "i'll see you around"

mingyu chuckled as he watched the girl waddle away.


"so joshua and jihan are getting married" sara said as she swung back and forth on the playground's swing. 

seokmin sighed. he heard about it and doesn't know how to feel. he really was not in the mood to talking about it. "they're betrothed, sara. not getting married. there's a difference"

"isn't that.. the same thing?"

annoyed, seokmin looked at her. "this betrothal is a pact between companies, it isn't a product of love; it is just what it is- isn't that basic knowledge?"

taken aback by his sudden change of demeanor, sara frowned. "are you.. are you mad?"

seokmin messed up his own hair and sighed, "i'm sorry, i'm just frustrated about the whole situation"

"i understand" she smiled. "i'm sure your sister her reasons for not telling you"

"she does" seokmin replied. "and now my father's home, i don't know what to do"

"don't you miss him?"

"i don't have a reason to miss him, sara. he was never really in my life. i'm just worried about the twins"

"the twins?" sara raised a brow curiously.

"they have a history with my dad. i can't explain it in one go so maybe next time"

sara nodded, completely understanding that seokmin doesn't want to talk about it. she quickly changed the subject.

"jihan and jihoon— they're very interesting. must be fun living with them"

"you have no idea" seokmin chuckled. "they seem very tough in school but they're different at home"

"they don't look the same too the first time you see them, if  i didn't know them, i'd think chan and jihan were twins" sara added. "i wouldn't guess that that the two jis are twins at first glance"

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