nine: strong as steel

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"i don't see why father suddenly asked you to go all the way to LA. he could've asked me" jihoon said as he took a left.

they were on their way to the airport. jihoon had to skip one period to send jihan to the airport.

"i'll only be there for less than a day anyway" she groggily replied. "i don't know why that fucking fossil decided to get my ass in LA"

"what time will it be when you reach there?" jihoon asked.

"about four in the morning or something, not sure. i hate time differences"

jihoon nodded, "oh yeah, what's with you and hong? you two never talked before"

"we don't" jihan rolled her eyes.

"what's with him talking to you?"

"probably taken away by my charms" jihan replied as she held her wrist up, admiring her nails.

"he looked annoyed with you, don't get your hopes up"

jihan placed her wrist down, glaring at jihoon, "just drive"

"yes ma'am" jihoon said. "by the way, what rank was choi sara the last time?"

"she always comes in fifth"

"i always come in fourth" jihoon whined. "i should seriously study more"

"i could help you out"

"yeah no thanks, i'd rather ask wonwoo" jihoon squinted, making jihan roll her eyes.

"wonwoo's second, i'm first. what rank was seokmin in?" jihan asked.

"he ranked the fifty seventh"

jihan sighed but nodded anyway, slightly disappointed. "i know chan ranked second in his grade"

"me too"

"how about soonyoung? what did he get the last time?"

"he got ninety fourth"

jihan look at jihoon surprised, "wow, he got two ranks higher. good for him"

"no" jihoon laughed. "two students transferred last year, making him two ranks higher"

"hey, at least" jihan said. "if it works, it works"

suddenly, jihoon fell silent. the atmosphere became tense, jihan knew why.

"don't worry hoon, i'll be fine" she assured. "i know what you're thinking"

"will you really?" jihoon sighed. "shall i just go with you?"

jihan looked at her brother, unsure of how to react. "i want you to, i really do"

"then why can't it?"

"i'm sure you know the answer" jihan said as the car came to a stop. they had reached the airport.

"yeah" jihoon opened the car door and dreadfully opened his sister's.

jihan dragged herself out of the car and looked at the airport in disgust.

"you'll be fine right—"

jihoon was cut off when jihan wrapped her arms around him tightly.

"no, but i still have to go" she murmured.

jihoon sighed, wrapping his arms around his sister. "goodluck, hani"

"thank you, i'll need that"

"this is extremely gross, just saying" jihoon said, totally breaking the mood.

jihan rolled her eyes, "and i'm hours away from misery, just saying"

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