C H A P T E R 2 4

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I turned at the sound of my name, Kakashi stopped just a few yards behind me, walking the rest of the way. "Lady Tsunade said I should come with you".

For a moment, I was confused, but I pushed the thought aside. "Thank You". I turned and continued towards the hospital. 'The only person who would be at the hospital at this time would be Yuki. Hopefully, she isn't too keen on asking questions about Itachi if she finds us'.

I skipped over the single step at the front of the building, practically sailing through the front doors. All the lights in the building were out, except for a few office and patient rooms. The door opened with a silent woosh, my heels clicking hurriedly against the polished floors.

"Where are we going?" Kakashi asked.

"I need to set up a room". I responded trying hard to whisper but to no avail. The empty halls and glossed floors and walls amplified even the smallest of sounds.

"Do you know what's wrong with him?"

I shook my head, "He has serious pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases along with some ocular issues caused by the sharingan. But I can't treat it without knowing the full extent of those issues so I come up with a useful treatment".

We walked the rest of the halls in silence, finally reaching a lone door at the end of the back hallway. I shoved the door open letting Kakashi walk in before allowing it to swing shut. The room was smaller than the other patient rooms, but it was perfect since we never used it cause it was so far back from the main desk. A floor to ceiling closet sat in the corner just left of the shuttered windows. Electrocardiogram, capnogram, and an IV stand lined the wall nearest the bed.

Walking over to the closet I rummaged for extra pillows and sheets.

"Can I help?"

The question caught me, I wasn't expecting him to offer any help, but it made me feel better about the situation. I nodded in the direction of the machines, "Just turn them on and I'll grab some IV drips and catheters".

Kakashi moved towards the monitors in hesitation, his hands fumbling around the machine for a power button. I chuckled at his obliviousness. "It's behind the monitors".

His body tensed at my command, evidently embarrassed at his lack of knowledge on the machinery. I pulled the bedding and pillows from the closet and tossed them onto the bed. The soft rhythmic beeping of the monitors filled the room.

"Now what?"

"Just wait".

Clasping my hands together, I released the byakugou seal. "Summon". Katsuyu appeared in a puff of smoke. "Hello Shiori".

"Hello, Katsuyu. How is he doing?"

"I managed to stabilize him, but he needs significant care and treatment. If you hadn't had used creation rebirth on him when you did he would have died".

I nodded, "Bring him".

In another puff, Itachi materialized on the bed. He looked better, all his minor cuts and bruises were dressed and cleaned, and his breathing equalized. "I can't thank you enough Katsuyu". My hand landed on her slick head, she gave a slight nod and disappeared.

I quickly worked around the room. Hanging up the IV drips. Running catheters, and placing the electrocardiogram and capnography patches onto his chest and back. My fingers trailed against his arm, his body was cold to the touch.

"I am here". The words unconsciously slipped from me, my fingers moving to his face brushing away a few strands of hair.

"He means a lot to you doesn't he". Kakashi murmured as he stepped up to the bedside.

Truth: Itachi Uchiha Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now