C H A P T E R 4 9

134 4 0

Dig... Dig... Dig... Dig...

The man's nails dug deep into the softening earth. The loose soil sifted through his fingers staining him, as he worked diligently to find the truth behind the lost myth. 

Finally, his perseverance paid off when his fingers brushed along the hard edges of what seemed like a wooden box. His fingers sought purchase around the rim, but somehow his fingers couldn't fully grasp it. The man released an unfurled growl and propelled both hands deep into the earth. After a few more moments of fighting with the pressure of the sinking dirt, and dragged the parcel out. 

The man soughed with delight as his eyes skimmed over the intricate designs inlaid over the box. The gold-flecked lines ran around the perimeter of the box, pausing around the corners to curl around the edges only to return to the edge and continue its golden march around the box. At the center, an image of a being levitating with their arms stretched out on either side. Long white hair billowed around them obscuring their face from onlookers, a familiar emblem peeked behind the being's head. 

The proud symbol of the Uchiha - a Gunbai. 

The man's fingers trembled as they found the corners of the box lifting. The small hinges that held the box closed cracked open. The lid fell back with a heavy thud. 

The man sucked in a shaky breath. 

Inside the box lay a scroll, cushioned with velvety red cloth, stitched into the sides of the boxes. 

The man's fingers furled around the scroll. Slowly he laid the box onto the ground as he dropped his weight fully, crossing his legs. 

As the scroll fell open, the words scrawled up and down the pages began to glow an eerie white and green. 

"So it is true!" The man's breathy sigh of relief deflated his lungs, and his eyes greedily ate the words, attempting to consume all the information the scroll had to offer.

"My destiny will be fulfilled with the Kensho at my side!" 

Truth: Itachi Uchiha Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now