Ancient Spice and...Holy Rome?

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You walked inside. It was around 8 o'clock. The house was completely quiet. Well, almost. You could hear the faint sounds of the tv playing on a very low volume. Upon walking into the living room followed by Toni, you discovered the cutest sight you'd ever seen.
All five kids were sitting on the couch. Feli was curled up next to Ludwig. Lily was leaning on Vash's shoulder and Lovi was sprawled out on the laps of Vash and Lily. You could hear a movie playing. It sounded like a Disney movie.
Vash looked over at you and smiled. Lily gently pulled a sleeping Lovi, you noticed, fully onto her lap so her brother could get up. He walked over to you silently, feet not making any noise on the wood floor.
"They were good. Feliciano bumped into a wall pretty hard when he was chasing Ludwig around, but he's fine. And Lovino stayed in his room mostly. We got him to come downstairs and watch a movie with us, though," said the boy with the Swiss accent in a whisper.
"Are they both asleep?" asked Toni.
"What are you guys watching?"
"We decided on The Fox and the Hound," said Ludwig from where he was seated.
You heard a knock at the door. Probably Gil, come to pick up the three teenagers. You let Toni talk with Vash and you went to answer the door.
To your surprise, it was Gilbert and two other people, both of which you had never met before. No, scratch that. You probably had but you just couldn't remember.
"Hello, (Y/n)," said a man with messy brown hair just a bit darker than Lovi's.
"Uh, Gil? Who are your friends?" you asked.
"Zhis is your mother-in-law und father-in-law," said the albino.
You looked back to the couple. Your apparent mother-in-law had the same color brown hair that was quite long and curly.
"Wait, so Toni didn't tell them about my memory loss?"
The woman looked at you in surprise. "What do you mean, dear?"
"I got hit by a car and I lost most of my memories. I can't remember many people or places. I've been slowly regaining my memories about people," you signed sadly.
"Don't worry," said the woman. "You can call me Hellen. He's Romulus."
"Alright," you smiled. And then you realized something. "If you're my mother and father-in law, that makes you Lovi and Feli's grandparents."
Hellen smiled. "Yes it does, my dear."
"Well, come on in, then." You stood aside. Gil walked in with Romulus and Hellen.
Toni appeared around the corner with all five children. He was carrying Lovi and Ludwig was still carrying Feli. "Hola!" he greeted his parents.
"Hello Antonio!" replied Hellen.
"Make yourselves at home," you said to Hellen and Romulus. They walked into the living room.
Vash and Lily walked over to Gil. Ludwig looked at you.
"I can take him," you said, referring to Feli.
Just as Ludwig was going to let go of Feli, the small boy let out a cry. "No, Holy Rome! Don't leave me!"
The blonde teen looked at Gil in alarm. Everyone else in the room looked shocked. They were all staring at Feli.
"What is going on?" you asked, obviously curious. No response. Holy Rome? Did your son mean the Holy Roman Empire? You knew it used to be a country, but Feli said Holy Rome like it was a person. Bad dream, maybe? But Holy Rome seemed a bit strange. And everyone looked surprised.
"Toni...what aren't you telling me?"

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