Contest Time!!!!

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So...uhm...there's only one more chapter...

*insert many tears*

But I'll still post in this book because nobody reads my other books!! It's kinda sad that people don't want to explore my other work ;-;

Anywhosies, yeah. There's one chapter left so it's time for a contest!!

Shoutout to Tweak_Agatha_Bunny for inspiring me to do this!!

So basically, I want a playlist based off a ship from the following list:

Attack on Titan:

Yep! That's the list!! Pretty extensive. You can pick any one of these and make a playlist that is at least 7 songs long(the longer the better!!) There are no genre exclusions!!!

Rules and How To Submit:
Must be at least 7 songs long
Cannot be any longer than 20 songs
•You may enter up to three times, but it has to be a different ship each time you enter
•You are allowed to team up to make a playlist. It will not count for your individual three playlists. Give credit to all team members
•Send the list to me via private message or in the comments here

I think I'll end this on...March 8th. If that isn't enough time, I'll give it an extra week. I will come up with a special judging system so everything is fair!!

Main Points I'll Be Judging On:
•How well the songs match the ship
•How well the songs flow together

•Third Place- Will receive a oneshot or songfic of your choice(character x reader, character x character, character x oc) and an edit of anything you'd like
•Second Place- Will receive a sneak peak at the new fanfiction I'm working on with a dedication to you when it comes out and an edit of your choice
•First Place- Will receive a character x reader book of your choice. Yes, a book. Not just a oneshot or a songfic, a whole book like Amnesia!! And an edit of your choice!!
•Random Winner- You'll be chosen when I draw a name from my trusty cowboy hat. You'll receive an edit of your choice

Good luck and may the music be ever in your favor!!

Amnesia(Spain x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now