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It was a few days after your phone conversation with Mathias. You were in the kitchen making lunch when Toni came in from the tomato fields. Wow, he really liked tomatoes. And so did Lovi apparently because Lovi came downstairs, took a tomato from Toni's basket and walked off, biting into it. You just smiled and shook your head.
Toni said, "I asked the Oasis if they'd like to stop over on their way to Greece."
You looked up from the pizza you were making.
"What do you mean by that?"
"I mean Heracles, Sadiq, Gupta, Abbas and Tasos."
"I have no idea who they are, remember?"
"Right. Lo siento, mi amor. I guess you'll just have to wait until tomorrow to meet them."

~Timeskip brought to you by the Egypt Needs More Love Club~

"(Y/N)! WE'RE HERE!" a voice yelled.
"Will you quiet down? The kids might be sleeping," another, more mellow voice said.
You looked up from your book. 'The Oasis,' you thought. You set your book down and went into the entry hall. There stood five men. One was quite a bit taller than the others and he was wearing a mask. One was holding a cat. One looked like Stephano. One had a earring and one was quite a bit shorter than the others.
The one that looked like Stephano went over to you immediately and hugged you. "Hello, (y/n)," he greeted you.
"Hi. Umm, I know this may sound a little weird but I can't remember who any of you are," you said.
"WHAT?!" the one with the mask asked loudly. "HOW COULD YOU NOT REMEMBER ME?"
You cringed at the volume of his voice. The one who just hugged you smiled and said, "I'm Gupta. That's Sadiq, Heracles, Tasos and Abbas." As he said each name, he pointed to the person. His accent sounded Egyptian.
"Well, hello to all of you."
Toni walked in carrying Feli. Feli saw Heracles' cat and immediately asked if he could hold it.
"Can I hold your kitty, Heracles?" the small boy asked, curl bobbing cutely.
Heracles smiled and said sleepily, "Sure, Feli." He handed the boy the cat. Feli's face lit up and he held fluffy ball of fur lovingly. Gosh dang it, it was cute. You couldn't help but smile. And then, the flashback came.


"Why does Heracles have so many cats?"
You were five years old. You lay sprawled out in a field of daisies, head resting on Gupta's leg. He was gently playing with your hair and humming a soft tune. The two of you were best friends, seeing as your mothers were best friends as well. This was before being friends with a person of the opposite gender mattered. This was before you became friends with Eliza.
"He's a cat magnet so all the cats gravitate towards him"(Admin: #fiveyearoldlogic)
"Why does Sadiq yell so much?"
"He likes the attention."
You closed your eyes. They hurt from staring up at the bright blue sky and pure white clouds for too long. You were slowly falling asleep. A soft and warm summer breeze blew past the two of you, making the daisies tickle your skin. Since you were little, you'd always been a bit more...affectionate...when you were sleepy. In this case, you were asking a serious question about your friendship.
"Yes, (childish nickname)?"
"When you move to back to Cairo, will you still my friend?"
Gupta smiled. "I'll always be your friend, (y/n)."

~End of Flashback~

"Gupta?" you asked. You just wanted to see if he would remember the conversation you had when you were five. Before he went back to Cairo. You two actually Skyped every night just so you could talk to each other. About eight years later, you were in sixth grade. Gupta was supposed to be coming back to America. That night's Skype, he told you he was staying in Egypt. You cried your eyes out. You just missed him so much.
"Yes, (childish nickname)?"
"When you move back to Cairo, will you still be my friend?"
Gupta hugged you again. The rest of the Oasis hugged you too. Toni joined in as well, just for the heck of it. You were squashled, but you didn't mind. "I'll always be your friend, (y/n)"

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