A/N: Gather, my cupcakes

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Welp...here we are.

After nearly a year of writing this(I think I started this last October or November), we've gotten so far!

I know I've taken long breaks where I've left you guys hanging for about a month and I really apologize for that!!

Anywhosies, this is just to give a HUGE thanks to 25k reads and almost 1.5k votes!!! You guys are awesome and I love all of you so much for supporting me and my story!!!


Keep being awesome!! I honestly love every one of you to pieces!!!

Feel free to shoot me a message anytime- I really want to get to know you guys!! And I don't bite...hard...

So yeah, that's it for this little update! I promise I'll start writing more once school starts up again!!!

But I'm serious, message me. I want to meet my lovely little cupcakes!!

Amnesia(Spain x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now