The World Meeting

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As you sat in the passenger seat of the family car, you smiled. Lovi sat in silence while Feli was off in his own little world, singing about "drawing a circle".
You watched out the window, staring at the beautiful city of Madrid. The sun was high in the sky, signaling that it wasn't quite noon yet.
You glanced down at the digital clock that was part of the car's radio. It showed up in block-like numbers. '9:50'. The meeting was supposed to start at 10:00. And you were still about 15 minutes away.
"Toni, we're going to be late to a meeting we're hosting in our own country," you said.
"No, mi amor. I'll make sure we aren't late. It's fine," he replied.
The traffic in the city this time of day wasn't too bad. Most people were at work anyway. Toni drove smoothly and steadily, making sure he wasn't breaking any laws. Typical Toni.
Soon, you were at the building where the meeting was being held. It was 9:59. All three of you raced into the building. Toni pointed you in the direction of the capital's meeting room while he took Lovi and Feli to the country meeting room with him.
You walked off down the hall and opened the large wooden doors at the end of it. You saw a long table with a person sitting in each chair. All except for one. That must've been your chair.
"Bonjour, Madrid," said a girl with short brown hair. She must be Paris.
"If you could please take your seat, Madrid, we can begin the meeting," a small boy, Lovi's age by the looks of it, said. He resembled Ludwig a lot. Well, I guess you found Berlin.
You sat down. "Okay, I just wanted to say that I got into a car accident and lost most of my memories. I don't remember any of you. Just wanted to point that out," you said.
A girl with shoulder-length black hair tied up in a ponytail smiled at you. "We are glad you are alive." She had a Chinese accent. Beijing.
You nodded a thanks and the meeting began. Everyone took turns discussing their country's problems. Washington D.C. talked about Idaho's potato production. Moscow talked about temperatures. As a group, you all talked about Colony Collapse Disorder and the effect it would have on 3/4 of the world's food.


Athens stood up. "Okay, guys. Meeting's over."
You glanced at the wall clock. It was now 5:00. You had been in that room for seven hours. You stood up and walked out of the room with your new friends Paris and Brussels. The three of you went to the country meeting room to go get your countries.
You tried to hold in a laugh when you saw the expression on Toni's face. He looked completely exhausted.
"What happened?" you asked.
"Well, everything was great until Ludwig started yelling at everybody and Feli got scared and then Matthew was trying to calm him down but it wasn't working so Arthur tried to conjure up a bed so we could get him to take a nap but when that backfired, Arthur got turned into a bed himself so Vladimir(who you figured out was Romania when he waved from across the room at the mention of his name) and Lukas had to undo the spell. Mathias got too excited and jumped up just as Lukas was casting the counter-spell and made him flinch so the table broke and Lovi was sitting on the table so he got a few bruises and cuts here and there. That's when Arthur and Francis got into a fight. We just let them fight because they always do that at these meetings. Anyway, so then Alfred produced a roll of duct tape from nowhere and he said, 'Duct tape fixes everything!' He began trying to put the table back together with the duct tape but i-"
"You know what, forget I asked. Let's just go home. You need sleep," you said, cutting Toni off.
He nodded and you smiled.

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