Hey, Cupcakes!!

1.1K 35 7

Hello there, my lovely little cupcakes!

So you guys kinda got this story to 35K reads and 1K votes. That's a lot.

I am honestly so shocked. I never thought I'd be someone with good Wattpad fanfiction. I know there are plenty of people out there who have written better Aph Spain fanfictions, but I can't even begin to express how crazy this is!

I love every single one of you guys. You're always so supportive and I've only ever seen one negative comment!

You guys just keep on amazing me!

To a few special cupcakes who have been with me since the beginning a whole year ago... Some of you don't read this, but I met you on here and you became my friend so you deserve a thanks! Some of you are just supportive of me even though you're my friend in real life and still don't read it. Anywhosies...


And thank you to every single one of you beautiful little cupcakes! Keep up the great work!

I love getting messages and comments from you guys, so just do it! I don't bite...hard... XD

Amnesia(Spain x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now