Cribbage Flashbacks

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A/N: To anyone who doesn't know what cribbage is or how to play it, I'm sorry if it gets confusing. I wish I could pick a different card game to play, but there aren't any others that adults would play that I know(so would've picked poker if I knew how to play it).

After putting Lovi and Feli to bed, you went back downstairs, mulling over the experience in your mind. It felt strange tucking in a four year old and a five year old that you didn't know all that well.
Anyway, when you arrived in the living room, there were two more people sitting at the table with Toni. One, a man with glasses over his violet eyes and black hair. The other was the only woman there besides you. She had long, wavy brown hair and shining green eyes.
When she saw you, she immediately got up and hugged you. "Oh, (y/n), Roderich and I were so worried about you! That's right, you don't remember us. Well, I'm Elizaveta. You can call me Eliza. The one with the glasses over there is Roderich." Her accent was Hungarian.
Elizaveta let go and you smiled. You liked her enthusiasm. You waved at Roderich. "Umm, hi," you said.
"Hello," he replied with a nod. He sounded somewhat German. Austrian, maybe.
You glanced down at the table where a cribbage board was set up with a pack of cards and the pegs already in place. There were three colors and two pegs of each color. Red, green and blue. "Cribbage? I love cribbage!" you said.
Toni smiled. "I know. The six of us used to play this all the time. We thought it might help trigger more memories."
You nodded. Maybe it would. Sitting down, Roderich divided everyone up into teams. You and Eliza were blue, Francis and Gilbert were green and Toni and Roderich were red.
Francis dealt out the cards. You picked up your hand and looked it over. Toni went first putting his card down. Once everyone except you had put a card down, it all added up to 27. To make it to 31, you'd need to put down a four. Luckily, you had a four. You smiled as Eliza cheered and moved one of your pegs up the number of spaces appropriate. The two of you were starting out the game pretty well.
Next, you had to count up what you had in your hand. How many times could you add up to five. Did you have any doubles or any straights? Yes, you did. You had two threes, a two and a five. That was three points for the fives, three points for the double and two points for the straight. Eight points. Elizaveta ended up with a whopping twelve points. That was 20 points for your team. Gil and Francis ended with twelve points and Toni and Roderich ended with nine. You all moved your pegs the number of spaces needed and kept playing.
The game continued on with Gil's crib. Then, the round was over and blue was in the lead. When it was over, you and Eliza had won. Roderich and Toni had pulled up their score by a lot and weren't far behind you. Francis and Gilbert ended up being skunked. You laughed at Gil's pouty face.
Suddenly, you felt nauseous. Your vision blurred slightly. Another flashback.

"Aha! In your face, Gilbert!" Eliza shouted.
You giggled at your best friend's outburst. It was quite funny to watch her get angry at Gil.
Roderich pulled her down into her chair. "Quiet, you'll wake Lovi," he said.
"Speaking of Lovi, don't you have something you wanted to tell everyone, (y/n)?" asked Francis.
You blushed and looked at Toni. He nodded.
"Well..." you began.
"I knew it. There's going to be a new addition to the Carriedo family, isn't there (y/n)?" Eliza smiled.
You nodded. "Yes, there is. I just found out last month. We haven't gotten together for a game of cribbage until now," you said.
"You know, (y/n), I've been meaning to give this to you. I just kept forgetting it at home." Roderich handed you a CD. It was labeled 'Classical Lullabies'. "It's to help Lovi fall asleep. And your new schatz as well now."
Smiling you thanked him. "Thank you so much. You do play some of the best piano music I've ever heard."
"Come on, (y/n). Don't stroke his ego," Gil said.
"Look who's talking," Eliza laughed. The rest of you(besides Gil) all joined in her laughter. They insulted each other constantly, and yet, remained good friends. It was odd but also fascinating. You had known them as long as you've known Toni. That was since you were eighth graders. That was two years after he moved into town from Spain. That was when you had started dating Toni.
~End of Flashback~

"Eighth grade. Toni, eighth grade! That's when we started dating. Roderich, that CD from you? Lovi asked me to play it when I was putting him to bed. Elizaveta and Gilbert, you two used to insult each other constantly. You were always being competitive against each other. I remember all of that!" you said excitedly.

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