Naptime Phonecalls

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After Francis, Arthur, Alfie and Mattie left, it was time for your two boys to take a nap. Feli was obviously tuckered out from running around the house and playing soccer(football, as Toni called it). The small child's amber eyes looked at you.
"Mama, is it nap time?" he asked.
"I think so, Feli. It is after lunch. Hmm, sure," you replied.
Lovi had already finished his lunch ten minutes prior and was probably in his room. You held Feli's hand as the two of you walked up to his room. He calmly laid down on the floor. Strange, but it works. Whatever will get him to fall asleep.
You got Feli a pillow and you covered him up with a blanket. You also handed him a stuffed animal that you noticed was a wolf. Of course, the Italian national animal is the Italian Wolf. The story of Romulus and Remus suddenly popped into your mind.
"Feli, would you like me to tell the story of Romulus and Remus?"
Feli nodded. You went down the hall to see if Lovi wanted to listen as well.
Peeking into his room, you saw him laying on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. "Lovi, would you like to come listen to the story of Romulus and Remus with your brother?"
He got up and nodded, following you back to Feli's room. You sat down on the floor and Lovi sat in your lap.
You began the story with King Numitor and Amulius. It continued on with Rhea Silvia and Mars and the she-wolf who raised the twins until a shepherd found them and raised them as his own sons. Finishing the story with how the twins were brought back to Numitor and the founding of Rome, you realized that both Feli and Lovi were asleep.
You carried Lovi back to his room and laid him down on the bed, assuming he wasn't going to sleep on the floor like Feli.
Going back downstairs, you heard Toni cleaning up in the kitchen. That's when the phone rang. Upon instinct, you checked the caller ID which said 'Mathias Køhler' and answered it
"Hello?" you asked.
"Well, hello there," said a voice you didn't know.
"Were you looking for Antonio Carriedo?" you asked, still trying to figure out of this was the Mathias from your flashback earlier.
"Not necessarily. I enjoy talking to you, (y/n). Hey, would you want to come over to visit later?" A Nordic accent of some sort, although you couldn't place it.
You didn't know what to say. That's when another voice was heard on the other end of the line.
"Of course she doesn't, you stupid Dane." So that's what the accent was. It was Danish. The second accent was Norwegian.
"Guys, don't fight please." said another accent. Finnish.
"Don't get into it." Swedish accent.
"Will all of you shut up and let her answer the question?" said a voice of reason. You counted five different accents. The people from your flashback, perhaps. That must've been it.
"Wait, Mathias?" you said.
"Yes! It is I, the King of Northern Europe!" replied the voice on the phone.
You said the rest of the names a little louder, so the other people could hear them.
"Present." The Norwegian accent.
"Kyllä, (y/n)?" You knew the word 'kyllä' was Finnish.
That one responded with a simple "Hello."
"And Emil?"
"I'm here." There was that voice of reason.
The puzzle pieces all clicked into place as the image of the five men became clearer and clearer until it was no longer fuzzy. Yep, those were the Nordics.
"Oh my gosh, I remember you! I remember you. I didn't think gaining memories would be so easy, but here I am. I remember you, Mathias. I mean, the King of Northern Europe. I'm sorry, I'll call you back later. I have some planning to do," you said before hanging up in excitement.
Right now, you reminded yourself of a stereotypical teenage girl about to go out for her first school dance or a to shopping trip at the mall.
You needed to plan out times to meet all the people you couldn't remember. That's when you noticed the picture hanging on the wall across from where you were standing.
It was a photo of around 40 people. Out of the 40, you recognized about 15 people, three of them being your own family. It was going to take a long time to remember everybody.

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