Countries and their Growth Spurts

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You woke up a couple mornings later to the sound of Feli and Lovi fighting over something downstairs.

Sleepily, you looked over at Toni who was still asleep.

With a smile and a shake of your head, you quietly made your way downstairs and into the dining room where you found the two boys sitting at the table, arguing over who knows what.

That's when you noticed how much bigger they looked since last night.

Lovi, who used to look about six or seven, now appeared to be 15, the same age as Vash and Ludwig.

Feli looked much older, too. He no longer appeared to be five, but 13 or 14.

It seemed quite odd until you remembered. They were country personifications. Of course their growing was going to be a bit off.

"Boys, what's all the yelling about?" you asked with a small yawn.

"Sorry, Mom. Did we wake you up?" Feliciano looked up at you, concern in his honey-colored eyes. His voice had changed. Oh dear.

You nodded. "Yes, but it's okay. What were you two arguing about anyway?"

Lovino pointed to the table where some spilled paint had made a little pool in the center. "Fratello wasn't paying attention while he was painting and he spilled paint all over the table but he said that it was my fault when I didn't even touch anything!" His voice had gotten deeper as well.

Feli shook his head. "No, that's not what happened! You were inspecting the bottle of paint I needed and you threw it to me when I asked for it even though you know I'm not good at catching things and I spilled the paint!"

That launched the two into another argument. "Boys!" you called, trying to calm them down. "Stop making a fuss over some paint and clean it up!"

Both of your sons slipped out of their chairs and headed into the kitchen to grab a wet rag and some paper towels.

They returned to the dining room and cleaned the table off without a word, though they were glaring daggers at each other.

"Thank you. Now we're going to have to go out and buy you both some new clothes. You won't fit into the ones we have now, obviously."

Amnesia(Spain x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang