Feliz Navidad, Carriedo Family

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A/N: Alright, guys! I'm not dead! Y'all or so lucky that you still get to deal with my weird antics and awful writing skills. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. I really do feel bad about not being able to update as much as I'd like to. I've just had a lot going on. My school's musical ended recently, so I will have lots more free time. It's hard work throwing your friend off a cliff every day. Anywhosies, thank you guys so much for hanging in there! I love you all! Oh, and before I forget... We're ditching the baby idea. Everyone seemed to hate it. Sorry...

Snowflakes drifted down gently from a cloud-filled grey sky. This was the first time it had snowed all winter. You were very disappointed.

Toni and Feli, on the other hand, were just enjoying the fact that it was actually snowing. They were outside throwing tiny snowballs at each other because there wasn't much to even make snowballs.

Lovi was up in his room with Bella whose brother, Tim, the personification of the Netherlands, dropped her off not too long ago.

You were in the living room with a mug of (coffee/tea/cider/eggnog), sipping it gently. It was a drink you always used to have with your family on Christmas Day.

The unwrapped presents from that morning sat under the tree in little piles, each indicating whose it was.

It was easy to tell which was which. You got lots of clothes and a new notebook. Toni and Lovi both got plenty of tomato-based items, but Lovi had gotten a (soccer ball/football). Feli's items were a wide assortment of many different random little things because that was kind of his personality and he liked receiving things he didn't ask for because who doesn't like a surprise every once in a while?

Suddenly, you felt dizzy. You set your mug on the coffee table and held your head in your hands, waiting for the dizziness to pass. But it didn't.



"Open it, (y/n)!" exclaimed a thick Ukrainian accent.

You, grinning, lifted the lid off the box and squealed at what was on the inside. It was a little charm bracelet, one of those really special Pandora ones. Lifting it out of the box, your eyes sparkled with delight. "Oh, Katyusha... I love it!"

"That is wonderful! Natalya helped me pick out all the charms! We got one for all the girls!" the large-chested Ukrainian female exclaimed happily. Her Belarusian sister stood quietly next to her, not saying anything.

Glancing around the room, you noticed the other girls and their bracelets. Eliza, Mei and Lien had them on. Even baby Bella had hers.

Natalya helped you out the bracelet on. Hers glittered on her wrist. "We are glad you like it."

~End of Flashback~

Regaining control of your senses, your head stopped spinning. Ukraine and Belarus. Katyusha and Natalya.

They were close in age to you from what you could tell but, then again, they were countries and country personifications aged weird.

But no matter. You remembered two more people.

You picked up your phone off the table, deciding to text Katyusha. Maybe she and Natalya would like to hang out with you come time soon.

Just then, the door opened and Gilbert, Ludwig, Eliza, Roderich, Arthur, Francis, Alfred and Matthew came in. Toni followed behind them with Feli.

"I didn't know you invited anyone..." you trailed off as you walked into the kitchen, looking at Toni with a stern look.

With a sheepish smile, he shrugged. "Oops."

Oh well. It was a Christmas party and the gang was all together.

Because Christmas comes even to the battlefield.

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