The Light Behind His Eyes

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A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! I haven't been that inspired lately. And this took an unexpected turn. Sorry if this makes anyone emotional, but I completely support the theory that Germany is Holy Rome. Speaking of, go check out my new story He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not! It's a Chibitalia x HRE story. And I almost cried while writing it. Anyway, enjoy the chapter! =]

"Toni?" you repeated. "What does Feli mean by Holy Rome?"
Your Spanish husband sighed, eyes sad. "There's a reason why all of the people you've met have different accents. I know this might be hard to believe, but each one of us are the personification of a country. I am the country of Spain. Feli and Lovi represent Italy. Everyone you have met represents a country," he said.
You nodded. You were following so far. You had enough weird things and memories the past week, it hardly bothered you anymore. You believed Toni.
"A boy named Gabriel was the personification of the Holy Roman Empire until...he...until he died... He was Feli's best friend. He actually thought Feli was a girl. And he held his heart. But when he died, he took the light behind Feli's eyes with him."
"Okay, so why did Feli call Ludwig Holy Rome?"
"Because. We believe that in Ludwig's past life, he was Holy Rome. He represents Germany. Holy Rome was where Germany is now. It can't be a coincidence. They even look exactly the same."
You turned to Gil who was still standing there. "Gil, do you think this is true?"
The albino nodded.
"And what about you, Ludwig? Do you think you are Holy Rome reborn?"
He simply shrugged. "Sometimes I get these crazy dreams. I'm a child again. And I'm wearing a black cape for some odd reason. It feels like I'm on a battlefield. That's when I see Francis coming for me. I've never understood why."
Gil nodded. "Zhat's a prefect description of Holy Rome. He vas killed by Francis."
"So, I am Holy Rome?" Ludwig asked, eyes wide.
You nodded. "I guess so. Feli seems to think you are."
"This is...woah... This is so strange. I never thought about it, I guess."
"Come on, Gilbert. We'd better get going," said Lily. "It's pretty late."
And it was. You had stood there for about another hour, just taking about all of this.
"Goodbye, (y/n). Ve vill see you soon," Gil said as he walked out the door followed by Vash, Lily and Ludwig who had finally handed Feli off to you.
Ludwig stroked Feli's head softly before turning away slowly. "I'm sorry, Feliciano. For all the pain I caused you. But, I'm back now, even though you don't know it yet," you heard him whisper into the night.
You closed the door, Feli still asleep in your arms. Toni was gone. He must've taken Lovi up to him room. You went upstairs to Feli's room and laid him on the bed gently. Covering him up, you gave him a light kiss on his forehead.
Closing his door behind you, you walked back downstairs quietly.

Amnesia(Spain x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now