Lullaby for a Stormy Night

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You woke up in the middle of the night. Why? Because of the thunderstorm. You didn't hear the soft pitter-patter of little feet walking down the hall. Just then, a small outline appeared in the door.
"Mama?" asked the voice of Feli. He sounded like he was crying.
"What is it, baby?"
He walked gently into your room so as not to disturb Toni who was still fast asleep, indicated by the steady rises and falls of his chest.
"The thunderstorm, Mama. It scared me."
You reached down and lifted Feli up onto your bed carefully. "Can I sing you a lullaby?" you asked.
He nodded.
You started your song. It was one you pulled from the back of your mind. Your mom used to sing it to you. It always made you feel so calm. Maybe it was the lyrics, but you just didn't know.
As you sang, you slowly rocked back and forth, hugging Feli to you and rubbing his back, trying every method you knew to help him stay calm.
It seemed to work.
Your son was ever-so-slightly calming down. You could tell. He had stopped sniffling, although his face was still wet with tears.
The song continued on. It talked about the rain and the lightning and the thunder. You used to be afraid of thunderstorms too. That was until your mother sang you this lullaby. It calmed you down completely. It made you see thunderstorms in a whole different way.
Instead of mean and scary, they were graceful and rhythmic. The beats of the heavy rain on your window panes lulled you to sleep every time. They were rhythmic. It just helped.
Although the storm clouds covered up the moon you would spend hours staring at almost every night, they were still beautiful to you. You were fond of both the moon and storm clouds.
The song and the soft movement seemed to put Feli to sleep. You couldn't tell if he was really asleep or if he had just calmed down enough.
He lifted his head off your shoulder. "Mama?"
"Yeah, Feli?"
"I like that song," he said.
You smiled. "I knew you would, baby. I knew you would. Do you want to sleep with Mama and Papa for tonight?"
The small child nodded. He laid down right in between you and Toni and fell asleep almost immediately.

Amnesia(Spain x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now