Sealand the Announcer

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After the dance, Lovino and Feliciano came home, both exhausted. Feli had a huge grin on his face and Lovi's expression wasn't so angry for once.

"Did you see the way she looked at you? Oh, love is so beautiful, fratello!" Feli exclaimed, hugging his older brother.

Lovi shoved him off and shouted, "Don't touch me!" But his voice softened almost immediately after. "But yeah...she's the best..." he said dreamily, staring off into space.

You appeared in front of them with a grin that matched Feli's. "Do you mean Bella? Did you two dance together? How cute!" you squealed.

Lovino sighed and pushed past you, going upstairs to change out of his suit.

You giggled, shaking your head. He could be so moody sometimes.

That thought made you giggle a little bit more.

'All the time,'  you thought.

Feliciano was still super excited, though, spinning and twirling around the entrance hall. "I got to dance with Ludwig! Hey, want to see a video? I took one of the Coronation!"

Coronation? They chose a King and Queen at the Sweetheart Dance? It was a little odd, but you nodded nonetheless.

Your son fished his phone out of his jacket pocket and clicked on the video, holding his phone so you could watch.

A short boy with blond hair and thicker eyebrows walked onto the stage. He looked a little like Arthur, but he also looked like Berwald and Tino mixed together.

"That's Peter. He was the announcer at the dance," explained Feli.

Peter had an English accent that was a a bit squeaky and a bit rugged at the same time. He seemed like one of those kids who unintentionally got into a lot of trouble.

The Coronation began with Peter introducing the people on the court. Bella, Lily and another girl with darker skin, long brown hair, brown eyes and an aqua-colored dress stood on one side of Peter. On the other side stood Alfred, Vash and Emil.

"I didn't know Emil was still in school. And who's that girl with the blue dress?" you asked.

Feli pointed to her. "That's Míchele."

Peter took a card out from the podium he stood at and announced the Queen first.

"Our Queen tonight is... The lovely Miss Míchele!"

Míhele shyly walked up to Pippa(who stood next to Peter holding a tiara and a King's crown) and the brunette placed the tiara on her head.

"And our King is... Mister Alfred!" Peter called excitedly.

With a cheer and a wink towards the crowd, Alfred walked over to Pippa and was crowned. He and Míchele walked to the front of the stage holding hands.

"Let's hear it for Alfred and Míchele!"

The whole gym erupted into applause, cheering and whistling and the video ended.

"I knew Alfie was popular but wow..." you trailed off.

And just like that, Feli was gone. He'd gone up to his room, obviously tired. You weren't, though, and Toni was waiting for you in the living room with all the furniture pushed back and the stereo turned up, playing a tango.

"Tango for two?" he asked with a charming smile.

You stepped forward, nodding as you took his hand.

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