The End

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[Hey, everyone! It's been a while! I'm sure you're all mad at me because I haven't updated in literally forever... But I just haven't really thought about it. I didn't know how to end this book. I'm not super into Hetalia anymore, I've moved on to Haikyuu!! but I will probably still be writing Hetalia fics because they're the easiest for me. So, this is the last part. I'm so glad you guys have come along for a wild ride of my cringiness back when I was a fetus writer. Please, remember to follow me and look out for my future works! I'll probably start another Hetalia x Sick!Reader soon, so watch for that if you're craving more Hetalia. If you want some Haikyuu!! madness, I have a book for that. So yeah. That's all. Enjoy this last part. I love all of you lovely little cupcakes~!]

One could say that this was a world meeting, but it wasn't. Not exactly, at least. It was your birthday and, to your surprise, Antonio had invited absolutely everyone. Roderich, Eliza, Gilbert, Ludwig, Vash and Lily were there. Ivan, Toris, Feliks, Eduard, Raivis, Katyusha and Natalya had come. Francis, Arthur, Alfred and Matthew wouldn't miss it for the world, nor would Mathias, Tino, Lukas, Berwald and Emil. Heracles, of course, had made it, along with Gupta, Sadiq, Abbas and Tasos. Kiku had made it and it was no surprise that Yao, Mei, Lien and Pippa. And because Pippa was there, Peter was there as well. And because you were their daughter-in-law, Helen and Romulus were there. Feli was caught up in the excitement of the party while Lovi was off talking with Bella, Tim watching over his little sister from a distance. That was all 40 country personifications you had met.

You were so happy. This was crazy. So many countries, it was almost a World Meeting, only they weren't discussing the world's problems by arguing loudly. No, they were having fun, talking and laughing and reminiscing about the good times back when they were young and the younger countries didn't even exist yet. Back when Romulus ruled a huge empire, back when Roderich and Eliza were married, when all Gilbert wanted was to raise his little brother the right way and when Ivan still had yet to industrialize.

That was back when nationalism ruled.

This was now. This was the age when all those countries and ethnic groups realized that they actually weren't all that different. People were people, they were all made up of the same stuff. That's what being surrounded by all these countries taught you. They all had similar goals, just different ways of achieving them.

It was beautiful, really. There was no denying that.

"Alright, everyone!" Toni called, bringing everyone's attention to the two of you. He smiled that smile of his and it made your heart melt right there, just like it always did. "Today we're celebrating mi amor, y/n. I am so proud that y/n was able to overcome the obstacle of amnesia that she faced. She met all of you again as if it were her first time meeting you and while mi amor might not have all the memories that we have, we still love her with all our hearts and we know she loves us, too.

You were blushing profusely at this point. Toni was too sweet for his own good. But you knew that already.

The first to start singing Happy Birthday in their native tongue was Alfred, of course, joined almost immediately by Matthew, Feli, Mathias and Toni. They were all singing in their own languages and it was somewhat of a mess, but it was fun hearing all the different sounds mixing together. There were the sharp pronunciations from the German-speakers, pretty words that just flowed like a river from the Spanish and Italian-speakers. The Nordics had that Nordic sound and the Slavics had that Slavic sound. They way they all blended together with the few English-speakers was so cool.

The whole room was mostly chaos until the song ended and everyone cheered, obviously hapy for you.

It was one of the best feelings ever, knowing that literal countries were cheering you on.

It kind of made you feel like you were the Queen of the World.

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