Po and Liet

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You sat across the table from Toni.
"So, (y/n), because you are the personification of my capital city, Madrid, you will need to attend the world meeting with me. There's a meeting room for capital cities. And, it's being held in Spain."
"And why are you telling me this?" you asked. You had just found out you were the personification of Madrid. It came as a surprise at first, but apparently it was because you were married to Spain. Literally.
"I'm telling you this because I asked Feliks if he'd help you find a dress. And wherever Feliks goes, Toris follows. You'll get something nice to wear for the meeting and the chance to meet two more people," said Toni.
You sighed. "Okay. Who are they the personifications of?"
Toni beamed. "Feliks is Poland and Toris is Lithuania."
"Alright. When are we going?"
"They should be here to pick you up in ten minutes."
You looked down at yourself. You had taken a shower that morning and your clothes were decent enough for going out. Now you would just have to wait.

~Timeskip, brought to you by tired Author~

The doorbell rang. You had been putting the clothes from the washer into the dryer. You went downstairs and answered the door.
Two men stood on the doorstep. One had almond-shaped green eyes and almost shoulder-length blonde hair. It looked a lot like Vash's. The other man had darker green eyes and brown hair that framed his face.
"Are you, like, ready to go shopping?" asked the man with the blonde hair.
"Yeah, but first I just want to tell you two that I got into an accident and I lost a lot of my memories. I've slowly been gaining my memories about countries."
The man with the brown hair smiled. "It's alright, (y/n). I'm Toris."
"And I'm, like, Feliks."
You nodded. "Okay. Let's go."


"Oh my gosh, (y/n)! You have to try this on!" exclaimed Feliks, your new fashion guru.
You sighed, already tuckered out from trying on so many things. All different dresses and skirts and blouses and...ugh, it was just starting to irritate you. When you turned around to see what your Polish friend was holding, you gasped. He was holding up a dark red dress with 3/4 sleeves and a black belt.
"Alright, I'll try it on," you said. You took the dress from him and went back into the changing room for the sixteenth time that day. You pulled the dress on. It fit perfectly.
Looking in the mirror, you smiled. You walked out to show Feliks and Toris. You found them talking to three other men. Well, two men and a teenager, by the looks of it.
"Hey, who's this?" you asked.
The tallest looked at you. "Privet, (y/n)," he said. Privet? That was Russian. Was this Russia?
Feliks turned to you, as did everybody else.
"Oh, (y/n)! That looks perfect on you!" he said.
You smiled. "I like it. This is what I'm wearing. But, anyway, I asked who these people are."
"What do you mean, (y/n)? You know who I am. You are just joking," he said with an innocent smile. An almost too-innocent smile for someone of his stature.
"This is Ivan, Raivis and Eduard," Toris said.
"Russia, Latvia and Estonia."
You nodded. "Sorry. I got into a car accident and I lost some memories. I can't remember too many people," you said in apology to the three confused guys.
"It's alright, (y/n). We understand, don't we, boys?" said Ivan.
"Y-yes, Mr. Ivan," Raivis trembled. Eduard kept quiet.
"Okay, well I'll see you guys at the World Meeting tomorrow, then," you said. You went back into the changing room and put your clothes back on.
After paying for the dress, Toris and Feliks drove you home.
"Thanks, guys. I appreciate the help. And Feliks, when it come to fashion, you really know what you're doing."
"Of course, (y/n)! It's, like, no problem at all!" he said before driving off.
You took out your keys and unlocked the door. Upon walking in, you noticed the house was a mess.
Toni walked into the entry hall to greet you while carrying a Lovi who was covered in tomato sauce.
"Welcome home, mi amor."
You sighed. "You better be the one giving him a bath."
He nodded. "Yes, (y/n)." He walked off down the hall towards the bathroom. You could hear Lovi start to complain. You just shook your head and smiled.

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