Wait, I Remember You

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"Toni, ve are here!" someone shouted through the house. You recognized the voice, but you couldn't match it to any faces you could remember. Standing up from your place on the couch, you set your book down on the coffee table and went into the entry hall. There stood two men. One had about shoulder-length blonde hair and blue eyes. The other was albino, the silvery hair lying atop his head in a mess.
"Ah, (y/n), 'ow wonderful to see you!" the blonde said. The accent was French. Why did everyone you had met so far seem to have a different accent besides Feli and Lovi, who both had Italian accents.
"(Y/n)! Hallo!" the other man smiled. No, the smile was more of a crooked grin or a smirk. The accent was unmistakable as German. That was the voice you had remembered.
You heard a set of little feet come pattering up behind you. The lighter-haired of your two sons appeared in front of you. "Uncle Gilbert! Uncle Francis!" Feli cheered.
'Uncle?' you thought. 'But how?'
Another set of feet was heard behind you, only this time the footsteps were much larger. They obviously belonged to Toni. "Hola!" Toni said.
"Bonjour, Antonio."
"Hallo. I didn't know you took (y/n) back from ze hospital already."
"She's been here since just this afternoon."
"You guys are talking about me like I'm not here."
"Right, lo siento mi amor. This is Francis and Gilbert," Toni said, pointing to them. You know you had heard that name before. Before Feli had said it too. The child looked up at you.
"Mama? You are really pale," he said, amber eyes full of concern. You, in truth, were feeling quite dizzy and you could feel yourself burning up. You got light headed and then the flashback came.

"Gil! Give it back!" you shouted at the albino.
"Onhonhon. Zhe belle fille wants 'er diary back, Gilbert!"
"I know she does. But giving it back vithout reading it vouldn't be very fun."
"Gilbert, give mi amor the notebook back. Por favor?"
"Fine," Gilbert said. He tossed the notebook over his shoulder and you caught it.
You were happy that you caught it, but the man with the scarlet eyes and the silver hair still deserved a good slap. "Oh, you are so lucky I caught this. If it had landed in the water, you would be dead in a matter of seconds."
Gilbert shrunk back a little. He looked at at Toni. Toni nodded as if to say, 'Yeah, you would.'
The diary wasn't really a diary. It was just a notebook, but it held all of your drawings you had done over the years and a lot of your writing prompts from high school.
~End of Flashback~

You opened your eyes to see not only Toni, but Gilbert and Francis also hovering over you.
"You're okay!" Toni smiled. He breathed a sigh of relief.
You rubbed your head. You must have fainted. Then, you looked Gilbert straight in the eyes. Your gaze travelled to meet Francis'. "I remember both of you. And you too, Toni. I remember. The notebook. My notebook."

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