Thanks, Self-Promotions, and Two Chapters Left

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Guess how many reads we have!! Yep, 42k!!! Guess how many votes we have!! That's right, over 2k!!!

This canvas I began painting just over a year ago is nearly finished. I've only got a little bit left to go. I'll probably only make two more chapters, one to meet Sealand and one for a finale and farewell.

A year ago, I expected close to nothing to come out of this book. But I honestly can't believe what it's become.

It's my home and each chapter holds a little piece of my heart.

I'm honestly really sad that it's ending, but I know you guys will stick around if I make more books like this, right?

I got some requests from a previous chapter asking which character you'd like to see next...

We got:
Iceland- 1
Sweden- 1
Hungary- 1
Romano- 2
Norway- 2
Marco- 1
Levi- 1
Natsu- 2
Gray- 1

From that list, there is only one character I will not write solely for(Iceland).

I was thinking a book just about the Nordics, though, which I've actually been thinking about for around a year now. So comment if you'd like to see that!

I still want opinions, though! Suggest literally any Hetalia, Fairy Tail, Attack on Titan, Kokoro Connect, Free! or Haikyuu!! character you'd like to see a big story like this for and I'll definitely consider it!

Anywhosies, onto the self-promotion part! I recently started watching Haikyuu!! which is a sports anime about volleyball and I started a book that is all oneshots, drabbles and short stories of the like. If you like Haikyuu!! or are interested in the book, check it out! I've already posted something!

But yeah. This was just an update on how things are going right now. I know you guys probably hate these kinds of chapters by now and I'm sorry for posting them so much, but I like to keep y'all in the loop when it comes to my writing.

So thank you for all of your wonderful support and I really look forward to seeing you in the comments!

Amnesia(Spain x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now