The Sweetheart Dance

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A loud 'KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK' sounded from the entrance hall. You, not wanting to get up because you were reading, called to Feli who was in the kitchen messing with a pasta recipe to see if he could somehow make it better.

"Feli, can you get that please?" you asked.

A happy Italian accent replied, "Si, Mama!" You heard the door open and then a gasp. Curious and worried at the same time, you put your book down and raced out to the entrance hall.

The lighter-haired of your two sons stood with his hands over his mouth and tears in his eyes, looking at whoever or whatever was outside the door.

"Oh, Ludwig..." you heard him whisper. So Ludwig was outside. But why? Had Feli invited him over? Why wasn't he inside already, then. It was cold out.

Going over to your son, you began to say, "Feliciano Vargas Carriedo, why are you making Ludwig stand outs-..." and stopped when you saw what was going on.

The tall German teen held a bunch of red roses and a sign decorated with little glittering stars. It read: 'It would be totally out-of-this-world if you said yes to the Sweetheart Dance with me!'

It was probably the single most cheesy thing you'd ever read, but it was still super cute and you could see why Feli looked so happy.

The two of you stood there like the dorks you were until Ludwig cleared his throat. "Uhm...Feliciano? Vhat do you zhink?"

"I think...yes! So many yesses!" The honey-eyed boy practically knocked his boyfriend over with a huge hug.

Lovi appeared behind you to see what was going on and you could tell by the look in his eyes that he was internally screeching. So what if he didn't like Ludwig? Feliciano did and that's what mattered.

Amnesia(Spain x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now