Meeting the Kids

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PLEASE READ!!!!!A/N: So, I realized that the children mentioned in the first part were Alfred and Matthew. I am so sorry and I know they are supposed to be the Italy brothers, so ignore how they were Alfred and Matthew before. The children are the Italy brothers. And this part's gonna be really short! Sorry!

"Mama!" said one of the two boys Antonio had brought with him. You were getting used to his regular visits, but this time he had brought two children. The one who had called you Mama ran over to you. He had light brown hair with a curl that stuck out to the left side of his head and excited amber eyes.

You looked at Antonio. "Who is this?" you asked.

"M-Mama, do you not remember me? I'm your little Feli!" he said.

Antonio nodded. "Yes, (y/n), this is Feliciano. We call him Feli. And where did Lovino go?"

You glanced back to Feli only to see another little boy who looked about a year older. His hair was a darker shade of brown and his eyes, a deeper shade of amber. He had the same curl, but his stuck out to the right side of his head.

"Hello Mama," he said.

Antonio mouthed, "That's Lovino," to you.

"Hello, Lovino. I'm sorry, but I don't think I remember you."

"What do you mean? Of course you remember us. You remembered my name," he said smugly.

"No, Antonio told me," you replied.

The child named Lovino looked as if he was going to say something even snarkier back, but fell silent and decided against it.

"I'm sorry, Lovino and Feli, but I really don't remember the both of you. I don't remember Antonio either," you said sadly.

Feli turned to Antonio, tears in his eyes. "Papa, is that true?" he asked.

Antonio just nodded. He didn't say a word. Feli began to cry soft tears. Lovino looked up at you with a heartbroken expression.

"Hey, hey, shh. It's okay," you said. You opened your arms and signaled for Feli and Lovino to come sit on the bed with you. Feli crawled up and snuggled into you. It surprised you at first, but it was cute. Lovino sat at the foot of the bed, looking at you and his brother.

You stroked Feli's hair gently. He seemed to calm down quite a bit at the gesture. Lovino came and snuggled up next to you, also. You hugged him to you tightly. You didn't know what you were doing, but it just...felt like the right thing to do.

~Antonio's POV~

Wow. Mi amor, my (y/n). She's amazing. Even though she doesn't remember Feli and Lovi, she is still able to calm them down. Just like a mother would. Just like their mother did. And just like their mother will do again.

Once she starts to regain her memories. The doctor said it won't take long. Soon she'll remember all about Feli. And Lovi. And all of the others. And me.

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