The Babysitter

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(Y/n)? Mi amor? I was wondering if I could take you out for dinner tonight," Toni said.
You looked up from folding laundry. Ever since you had arrived back at the Carriedo household, you'd began taking care of 'mom tasks' such as making food and doing the laundry. Toni often helped, just as he was doing now.
You placed a small green shirt on the top of a pile of other shirts of similar size. You began to fold a slightly bigger light red/almost pink shirt. "Who will watch Lovi and Feli?" you asked.
"I've got that covered. I know a couple teenagers who'd be willing to watch them while we're out. They're great at keeping things clean and orderly."
You looked at Toni. You honestly wanted to go out with him. It would probably bring back some memories. Hesitating for only a moment before nodding, you said, "Sure. I think that would be nice."

~Timeskip, brought to you by Author-chan's Spanish teacher's Volleyball Skills~

The doorbell rang. Feli got excited and raced to open it. He got even more excited and shouted, "Uncle Gilbert!! Mama didn't tell me you were coming to babysit today!"
You walked downstairs, dressed in a nice (f/c) dress with silver heels and silver earrings. Your hair was done as well as your makeup.
"Oh, hello Gilbert. Toni didn't tell me you were the one babysitting. He actually said a couple of teenagers," you said, looking at him, not noticing the three blonde teens behind him.
The albino man smiled his crooked smirk. "(Y/n), you look vonderful. I vonder vhere Toni's taking you."
"He actually didn't tell me," you said. You felt someone's arm wrap around your waist.
"You look amazing, mi amor. Are you ready to go?" Toni asked.
"You said a couple teens were going to be watching Feli and Lovi, not Gil."
"Zhey are," said Gilbert. He walked into the house, revealing two boys who looked about 15 and a girl who looked around 11 or 12. "Zhis is mein bruder Ludwig und our cousins. Vash und Lily."
You smiled at them. Then Feli got REALLY excited upon seeing Ludwig.
"Luddi!!! Lovi, look! It's Ludwig!" the small boy said.
"No," the older of your sons said. He tugged on the hem of your dress. "Mama, when will you be home?"
You picked Lovi up and hugged him. "Don't worry, my little tomato lover. Papa and I will be back in time to tuck you in."
Lovi smiled and then wiggled around, signaling he wanted you to put him down. You set him down and turned back to the three blondes. Lily had a purple ribbon in her hair and the exact same haircut as Vash. They both had green eyes. Ludwig's hair was smoothed back and his eyes were a steely-blue.
Feli had actually wrapped his arms around Ludwig's neck and was just hanging there. Ludwig was smiling and Lily was giggling. Vash held a completely straight face. You'd seen something like that before, but where?


"Lily, get off me!" said Vash. She just kept hanging there, arms wrapped around her brother's neck. His face clearly showed that he was not amused. Ludwig, who hardly ever laughed, was actually chuckling softly. You smiled and looked over at Toni.
"Someday, I want to be a mother."
"So someday you shall, mi amor."
You smiled. You knew Toni had always wanted kids of his own, but you'd never voiced your opinions about such a subject before. You were at your wedding reception. You had been dancing all night and it was currently around 11 pm. Both you and Toni were tuckered out from doing the Cha-Cha Slide(you more than him).
Suddenly, a specific type of beat you recognized began to play. It was a salsa. Toni looked at you and you nodded. Even in your wedding dress, you were still going to attempt the intricate steps of the Spanish dance.
You were actually quite good. You had been practicing with your new husband since before you started dating him, so you were pretty experienced. That would be about eight years of salsa, tango, flamenco...etc.
When the dance ended, only you two were on the dancefloor. Eliza, Gupta, Francis and Gil all had their phones out. They had gotten the whole thing on video. Gil had already uploaded it to his blog.
You smiled up at Toni and kissed him.

~End of Flashback~

"Well, at least I know what my wedding reception was like," you said.
Toni and Gil gasped. "You do?" they said in unison.
You nodded. "Yeah, Toni and I did a salsa dance together and Gil got it on camera. He uploaded it to his blog, too."
Gil laughed. "Ja, I did. It's awesome that you remembered. Not as awesome as me, of course, but still awesome."
You rolled your eyes. "Bye, Gil. We'll see you later.
"Goodbye, (Y/n), Toni. I'll come pick them up whenever you guys get back."
He walked back out to his car. You looked at the three teens. Well, where they would've been. Now there was only Vash. Lily and Ludwig seemed to have disappeared.
"Yeah, I know. Call if we need anything. Snacks are in the fridge. The kids can watch a movie if they want to," Vash said.
You nodded. "Thank you so mush, Vash. We really appreciate it."
He gave a slight nod and disappeared down the hall to go find the other four. You could hear footsteps upstairs. They were probably playing hide and seek or something like that.
"Bye Feli, bye Lovi! We love you! Be good!" you shouted. There was no reply, only loud giggles and more footsteps. You smiled. "Let's go."

Amnesia(Spain x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora