I Got the Evil Eye from My Friend...

2.1K 76 4

This chapter is just an update for.........


You lovely little upcakes are so amazing! I can't believe it!!! We're already past 10.5k!!!! this is so exciting!!!

For those who have been here from the beginning and those new to the Operation(I'm calling this little group of people who read every update and who always vote and comment Operation Soul sugar!), thank you for the support! You don't know how much I appreciate all the love I'm getting from you guys through this story!

Every day when I come home from school and log on to see more votes and comments, I get this huge grin. Even though updating this is beginning to get tedious, beginning to seem like a chore so you guys won't hate me forever, I still love to write this even though I may not always have the time.


eeveelover416 (even though she doesn't read this, she's still a good friend of mine on here)

Thank you guys for the continual support of this story! I really do appreciate it! So, whether you're new or old here, Welcome to Operation Soulsugar!

Amnesia(Spain x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now