Buenas Noches, Carriedo Familia

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It had been a long day. For all of you.

You had been running around town all day doing the shopping. It was Lovi and Feli's first day of school. Toni had been in the fields all day in the hot sunshine, working his butt off. He hadn't even come in like he usually did for lunch.

So, the four of you were obviously tired.

After dinner, you didn't bother to wash the dishes.

Toni laid down on the couch with Lovi and they watched some soccer together(football, for the rest of the world). You and Feli sat at the dining room table, doing a puzzle.

The small boy yawned. "Mama," he said while rubbing his eyes, "I'm tired."

"I know you are, baby." You checked the time. It was only 7:30. "Do you want to go to bed right now? It's still pretty early."

He nodded, curl bobbing, honey eyes sleepy, eyelids drooping.

The two of you got up from the table. You picked him up and carried him up the stairs to his bedroom. Laying him down on the bed, you covered him up and handed him that little wolf plushie of his. And he was out like a light.

You went back downstairs just as Lovi was heading up. "Goodnight, Mama," he said in that cute little accent both of your boys had.

Hugging him, you smiled. "Goodnight, my little tomato lover."

He just shook his head and continued up the stairs to his bedroom, closing the door.

You went into the living room to find Toni half asleep. You sat down next to him and gently snuggled up to him.

He smelled like something exotic. A type of exotic fruit or flower, something you would expect from the sweet-natured Spanish man.

Soon enough, he was snoring lightly, head in your lap. You turned the tv off and carefully lifted his head. You shook him awake. "Toni?" you called softly. "Toni, I can't carry you up the stairs by my self. You're going to have to help me out," you said with a smile.

He woke up, green eyes startling you for only a moment. Then he smiled, getting up and taking your hand, walking up the stairs with you.

The both of you laid down in bed, Toni on the side with the Spanish flag blanket covering it.

You gently laid your head on his chest, listening to the steady and relaxing 'thump, thump, thump' of his heartbeat. He wrapped an arm around you, pulling you closer to him.

You heard two pairs of little footsteps shuffling into your room.

"Feli? Lovi? What is it?" Toni asked.

Feli immediately ran over to Toni and crawled up onto the bed, laying next to his father. Neither of you questioned it. The child had strange motives for everything anyway.

Lovi's reluctant feet slowly walked over to you. You pulled him up onto the bed with you.

The two children laid in the middle, you and Toni on the outsides.

And you heard a soft whisper from Toni before falling asleep.

"Buenas Noches, Carriedo familia."

Amnesia(Spain x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora